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    The Night of the Christmas Bus

    Holiday accented all decked out

    People observed as it was moving about

    Santa was aboard

    Ho Ho Ho accord

    Santa told a Christmas story of the Christmas Bus

    The children were aboard being a plus

    Children were all sitting in their reclining chairs

    They listened carefully with care

    The Christmas bus that journeyed to the North Pole

    As Santa narrated, the wonder became behold

    The bus arrived at Bus Toyland

    All kinds of scale buses were there

    Each had their own stories to share

    All the scale buses were of all kinds

    They all unique and genuine

    Some had operating lights

    Others made engine starting sounds

    There were some that were remote controls that were found
    The scale buses would capture a child’s delight

    However, Santa has a bus story to tell tonight

    There was a European bus sitting all alone

    No momentum and not full blown

    The European scale bus was considered as a misfit because of a weird design

    Every bus should be in a child’s hand

    This is the Christmas Bus Caravan

    The other scale bus models were singing, “We are buses for every Boy and Girl, it will bring them joy to enjoy”

    But that didn’t settle for the poor European scale bus

    There was no fuss

    Misfit is a European Scale bus that sits in a corner

    All neglected

    But that is about to change

    The story relishes with a rearrange

    Santa felt bad about the whole ordeal

    A child’s heart is warmth being for real

    Santa abruptly shouted, “Every bus deserves a chance being part of a child’s heart as the holiday season is about joy and love being the reason

    Santa thought to himself, what a wonderful idea, and a misfit European bus no more

    The misfit European scale bus was told his, and Santa and the other scale buses saw the Flashing headlights of approval

    By the time Santa finished the story, the children had felt a sleep, and dreaming deep of buses to keep

    Imagine Christmas morning when the children woke up

    There would be cocoa filled in their cup

    It’s the midnight hour, Santa is busy with the Elf’s packing all the toy buses for the night ride

    Santa said Off Greyhound, Trailways, Coach USA and Academy and into wintry road

    We have a schedule and must be on-time
    As you know, Santa is genuine

    Christmas cheer as Santa preservers

    Buses travel during the night to touch a child’s heart
    Dash away Dash away

    Buses rolled into their getaway






