is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    There was once a child 10

    This was no pretend

    A child would read Poetry

    To the child, the words and meaning were a mystery

    The child started to write his own words

    Turns out, it became Poetry

    Words and sentences popped up into the child’s head

    The child put his thinking cap on

    Soon after, the words started to come along

    Words became the leader and the sentences formed proceed

    Full of inspiration and imagination

    The child began to understand what poetry was all about

    Confusion was all worked out

    Poetry made sense to a 10 year old

    Words of another all flocked together

    Understanding of a child

    All that within the child while

    The child now was a Poet

    Showing it

    Now the child was now an adult

    Impact of poetry fulfilled in child growing up

    From a child Poet to an adult being a world renown Poet

    The words made it clear to the child

    Understanding that stood out

    Poet in the making

    Open write in confessing

    Details that fell into place

    A child’s trace

    A mind for Poetry will never go to waste

    Face to face in words and sentences

    Future brought instances

    A Poet will always be a Poet

    Just show it







