is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Received a sat of exercise weights

    It was given to me as a gift

    The suggestion was exercise, catch my drift

    I decided to make good use of the weights

    It was lift and breathe

    Intensify and feel the exercise
    I began to get strong

    My body began to show transformation

    Exercise books gave me all kinds of information

    The old me started becoming the new me

    Mirrors don’t lie as I saw progress

    Currently on pause for a short recess

    Enough being still
    Mind over matter at will

    Body chemistry in change

    Total body experience in rearrange

    A gift well received

    Weighty thought

    Exercise being the key

    Imagine the transformation that one sees

    It makes the efforts worthwhile in results the way it should be


