is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Honest and true

    Alumni who always pursue

    I will never forget my education and Degree from CUNY Medgar Evers College

    I graduated many years ago

    I just want you to know

    I wasn’t sure what to expect

    I knew it would be Theory, Concepts and Analysis

    Medgar Evers College taught me always be determined and you will have a following

    For me, it was intervention

    For that, it is appreciation

    College classes that offered insights

    The Professors would often encourage me directly and say, “You will make it”

    There were times doubt entered my mind

    Yet assurance came directly through my professors

    They saw in me which I didn’t see in myself

    Trial and error approach

    When it came to Midterms and Final exams, I didn’t panic, I simply studied in preparation and buckled down

    The advice I offer to all incoming college students, “Nothing in life is easy, but challenging your own mind in what is to come is education and your own success story that will follow”

    Medgar Evers College instilled that approach in me

    Business and people that I have connected often say, “Well done Medgar Evers College and breeding one of your products”

    Becoming the product, I became my own success story in confessing

    My accomplishment can support that

    My tomorrow is every day

    My today is a preparation that was the beginning from the start with what was coming next

    What matters is knowledge

    What comes out being educated

    CUNY Medgar Evers College did both

    What you are reading didn’t happen by chance

    Purpose and privilege

    Standing on my own principles and standards

    Expectations my grasp

    The Medgar Evers College embodied spirit within

    Medgar Wiley Evers which the college is named after

    “Be determined while being successful”

    Alumni Talk and Walk

    Think Commodity and see your own reality


    Real talk







