is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...


    "THE ONE"
    Is she the one?
    Truly, The ONE??
    The one that eases stresses with just a sideways smile,
    The one who's voice brings color to your world,
    Tell me,
    Did you find THE One?
    The one that you were searching for,
    The one talked and dreamed about both day and night,
    Tell me... Is she the one?
    The one that brings the sun to your grey days,
    The one that kisses all your pains,
    Is she the one you reach for at night?
    When your body craves for warmth,
    Is she the one that makes you feel invincible?
    The one your heart skips beats for,
    Tell me..
    Have you found the one everyone speaks of?
    The girl that compliments your dreams,
    The girl that's equally your half?
    Is she the one...?
    The one that plants fluttering butterflies in your gut,
    The one that completes your being?
    Tell me.. is she the one to bear your children?
    The most beautiful woman you ever seen?
    Have you found the one who's scent is sweetness to you,
    The one who's flaws you find perfection in,
    Tell me have you found the girl who's touch you miss,
    The one you never ever want to let go?
    Tell me..
    Have you found the one you want FOREVER,
    The one that's home to you?
    Tell me love, have you found the one you can be your true self with?
    The one that wasn't me
