is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

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    Author: Scarlette Savage



    He said he was suffocating under the thumb of her love, 
    But he called her a breath of fresh air, 
    He said he felt trapped by the life they had built, 
    But he called all her booby traps home, 
    He said he was blinded by puppy love, 
    But he called her blinding love light, 
    He said the fire was dying there's nothing left, 
    But he saw a smoldering flame that just needed the oxygen, 
    He said he felt imprisoned by her love... 
    But the other man called her his SANCTUARY.


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    Something had to fill in....
    The void that I have deep within,
    So I've replaced the spot you slept in,
    With a bottle of rum, Brandy or whiskey,
    Because nights are cold and lonely,
    And your not here to warm me,
    So for now I've replaced the warmth of you,
    With golden brown liquor,
    1 Pint @ a time,
    To mask all that I hide,
    This sinking depression eating me inside,
    I run on alcohol and chasers,
    A substitute for love and a pseudo sense of happiness,
    If only for a moment,
    I can hold it...
    Hold it just a bit longer,
    Before my sanity faulters,
    Something had to fill in,
    The hole that's deep inside,
    And maybe I hope in time...
    I can pick myself up


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    Hey I know that you're all grown up, your not a little girl anymore & don't need me for shelter,

    But I know that you hurt,
    And deep within there's still a little girl coveting inside,
    The armor that now is YOU as a woman,

    And I just wanna reach out to her,
    Show you that you are still HER,
    That little girl that onced dreamed of things bigger than she,

    I know you feel hopeless,
    Life's disappointments left you loveless,
    But I know your not completely hollow,
    Because you have a little girl now,
    And you had to harvest love to have her,

    I'm just here to remind you,
    That you onced laughed & you smiled,
    And your glow could light up a darkened road for miles and miles, 

    I hope your listening,
    Even if tears roll & glisten,
    Because someone needs to remind you,
    That you're not cold or made of Iron.

    Your ju...

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    You were never Superman,
    You didn't save the day,
    Just flashed by like a great parade,
    And when the big show's done, you up and left.

    You were never prince charming,
    Chivalry is DEAD,
    Just like a spoiled boy wearing a crown,
    But never looks ahead,

    You were never the antidote,
    More like cyanide a poison to my veins,

    And you were never gonna bring me back to life....
    You can't bring back what's ALREADY DEAD.


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    You came from a distant country,

    For a slice of paradise,
    You gazed upon starry eyes,
    While yours agaped with silent lies,
    A young girl's dream adrift on innocence,
    Without remorse you took a gift ,
    And prayed upon the ignorance...
    Of beautiful island girls with dreams,
    Selling themselves short at only fourteen,
    It's such a tragedy,
    Yet and no they weren't ready,
    To be children having children selling beauty because there's mouths to feed,
    Working the "bar" hoping prince charming will save them from poverty,
    Instead they get misused,
    Naivlely chaising the DREAM,
    Of one love, pure true love,
    White weddings, homes that are steady,
    But foreigners come to realize pedophilia,
    You come to this country & more and more races,
    Keep traveling leaving mixed faces,
    Spreading their seed,
    Then up and leave,

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    Let et scar...

    A broken woman holds many secrets,
    Like an ocean with many unknown creatures lying deep in the darkest depths of the sea,
    She holds herself like a glowing stallion,
    Tall and proud,
    Yet she is fragile like a wilting flower,
    Despite headaches & heartbreak,
    She still musters an undeniable unrelenting love,
    Many awe in her glow,
    Yet many throw away all that she gives,
    She rises day to day chip on her shoulder,
    Stitch on her heart,
    But still produces enough love to raise children,
    Be kind to those who are homeless,
    And even those who are undeserving,
    An injured woman is a vault of many secrets, worries and sleepless nights,
    She's beautiful in all her colors,
    Just like a bird with broken wings,
    A butterfly without dust to her wings,
    INCAPABLE to fly,
    Yet she can STILL live & survive,

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    "KISS & KILL"
    Let et Scar

    You made me smile,
    You made me cry,
    You kissed the wounds,
    Then picked the scabs,

    The very same arms that warmly embraced,
    Were the very same arms that pushed me away,
    You gave me hope,
    Then took it away,

    You made me feel like more than a mistake,
    Then you became my biggest regret,
    You asked me then, 
    If I'm alive yet,
    But now I see,
    I was in slumber,
    You brought me to life,
    Then left me for dead,

    The lips that once delivered kisses,
    Are the same ones that coldly dissed me,

    I always loved you....
    You NEVER did.

    Why did you come back?
    If you won't stay?
    How dare you act like there's nothing wrong with it?

    How dare you take my everything?
    Leave deeper scars,
    Permanent marks,
    You are the cause of them,


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    I wrapped it up in foil,
    I didn't want it to ever spoil,
    I stuck it in the freezer,
    Heard freezing prolongs shelf life,
    I wrapped it up in foil,
    But freezerburn has set in,
    It's destroying all the good that was left deep within,
    I wrapped it up in foil,
    But her heart was a machine never oiled,
    I wrapped it up in foil,
    But with your touch she was quick to spoil.


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    If your reading this know that you were chosen,
    You were chosen to find this,
    To find me,
    If your reading this know that you are because I am no longer here,
    I am now but a particle in the air,
    I'm cut off like the human hair,
    I am now blue like the sea,
    I was hurt....
    But you never see.... Until it was too late,
    And my pain consumed me that I began to hate,
    To hate every breathing waking day,
    Stuck in a vessel where my soul now fades,
    And the rising sun stings like sharpened blades,
    If your reading this..
    I'm sorry..
    Sorry I couldn't be stronger,
    Sorry I couldn't take it much longer,
    If your reading this know you were 1 of the few people that touched my heart,
    Maybe one of the people that broke it apart,
    If your reading this....
    Maybe you were my disappointment,

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    She danced in circles by the Sea, barefeet, a hypnotic scene,
    he gazed in awe as her silhouette met with the sunset,
    A view like this has to be heaven sent,
    she danced in circles as if carefree, drowning her sorrows by the Sea,
    he watched her fondly... and for a minute buried his woes,
    under the sand where no one goes, just for a moment in time the world rolls on,
    we're stuck in a gaze,
    we shared agony and love with such a Grace,
    for one last time she danced in circles against a reddening sunset, 
    Eyes locked,
    she got to see...
    for one last time,
    his smile, his laughter, and his humanity


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    "THE ONE"
    Is she the one?
    Truly, The ONE??
    The one that eases stresses with just a sideways smile,
    The one who's voice brings color to your world,
    Tell me,
    Did you find THE One?
    The one that you were searching for,
    The one talked and dreamed about both day and night,
    Tell me... Is she the one?
    The one that brings the sun to your grey days,
    The one that kisses all your pains,
    Is she the one you reach for at night?
    When your body craves for warmth,
    Is she the one that makes you feel invincible?
    The one your heart skips beats for,
    Tell me..
    Have you found the one everyone speaks of?
    The girl that compliments your dreams,
    The girl that's equally your half?
    Is she the one...?
    The one that plants fluttering butterflies in your gut,
    The one that completes your being?
    Tell me.. is she the one to bear your children?...

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    If I wish upon a star will my dreams ever come true? 
    If I hold the moon in my hands will I absorb it's light? 
    And if I do will it be bright enough for you to see me? 
    In the dark? 
    If I cover myself with the milky Way will it feel just like your embrace? 
    Or will I only be a miniscule speck in the mass of all its majesty? 
    Will I ever be the Apple of your eye? 
    And the fire in your loins? 
    Will my love burn hotter than the scorching sun or will you let it turn to ashes? 
    Will a kiss on the lips and a touch of your soul make you believe... 
    I am worthy enough to be placed on the highest pedal stool in the kingdom of your torn up heart? 
    Can two broken people put all their broken pieces together and mend the damage of lover's past. 
    or are we just too broken a void in the sky.
    -Scar Savag...

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    I love your insecurities, 
    The things you see, I don't see, 
    I examine you like a specimen, a wonder, like a new invention, 
    You'll never catch me staring, 
    But I'll tell you that I do, 
    I may not use words to express all that I harbor.... 
    But, I use the language of my body and the curves of my spine, 
    Quench your thirst with my lips, 
    Press the mass of you against my borders, 
    I'll use all the things I Despise about myself like I see no fault in them, 
    I'll kiss every scar on your body and caress everything you hate about yourself, 
    I'll change the bad taste on your tongue with a kiss sweet as cherry wine, 
    And although I throw blows like the arms of a brother, 
    I am tender with the love of a mother, 
    And I don't fear to see what your afraid to reveal, 
    I crave to taste all of...

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