is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...


    She danced in circles by the Sea, barefeet, a hypnotic scene,
    he gazed in awe as her silhouette met with the sunset,
    A view like this has to be heaven sent,
    she danced in circles as if carefree, drowning her sorrows by the Sea,
    he watched her fondly... and for a minute buried his woes,
    under the sand where no one goes, just for a moment in time the world rolls on,
    we're stuck in a gaze,
    we shared agony and love with such a Grace,
    for one last time she danced in circles against a reddening sunset, 
    Eyes locked,
    she got to see...
    for one last time,
    his smile, his laughter, and his humanity
