is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...


    Let et scar...

    A broken woman holds many secrets,
    Like an ocean with many unknown creatures lying deep in the darkest depths of the sea,
    She holds herself like a glowing stallion,
    Tall and proud,
    Yet she is fragile like a wilting flower,
    Despite headaches & heartbreak,
    She still musters an undeniable unrelenting love,
    Many awe in her glow,
    Yet many throw away all that she gives,
    She rises day to day chip on her shoulder,
    Stitch on her heart,
    But still produces enough love to raise children,
    Be kind to those who are homeless,
    And even those who are undeserving,
    An injured woman is a vault of many secrets, worries and sleepless nights,
    She's beautiful in all her colors,
    Just like a bird with broken wings,
    A butterfly without dust to her wings,
    INCAPABLE to fly,
    Yet she can STILL live & survive,
    Although she can never take flight.
