is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Where have you been

    Darkened with uncertainty

    No place to be found

    Chanted spiritual songs within one’s encouraging thought

    I need to be free

    I pray to thee

    Thunder raw

    Lightening outburst

    Slavery was hard and tormented

    Beaten and torn

    Sunrises being a forbidden rise

    Working on those cotton fields

    Plantation ordeals for real

    Wounds showing the many rebels

    Trapped in a prohibited society

    No pity

    Freedom only a thought

    Praying and constant praying

    Singing upon singing

    The slaves hope surrounded up in Heaven

    Numerous cries heard

    In 1862, the Emancipation Proclamation was documented, and Freedom became the word’s that Afro-Americans needed to hear

    No more worry some of fear

    It took place in Galveston, Texas

    Years upon years of denial

    Not knowing where nor if

    Heaven the many outcries

    Crisis finally came to an end

    Freedom, Freedom, Freedom

    From Slavery life into the light of the earthly kingdom

    Sacrifice proven

    Land’s wisdom

    Dwell doers

    The raw of thankful emotion

    Smooth breezes and calm oceans

    Life was and will be worth living

    The call for Freedom

    Emancipation at its best



