is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Dreams of entertainment

    Full of amazement and surprises

    Take a back seat Beauty and the Beast

    We are a standalone being our feast

    The music being for us both

    Together we took an oath

    A Teapot and cup and saucers are the ones who know

    We will carry the show

    Just follow the flow

    Song and dance and perhaps a sketch

    You the audience will have to catch

    Creating the right effect

    We don’t want the audience to reject

    We will not be mean only lean

    You won’t see much of a pour

    Only our total performing galore

    Our story our very own and it will be full blown

    Teapot became a theory

    Cup and Saucers a mystery

    We were always sitting on a shelf or convent

    Barely used or not used at all

    We were considered a prop

    I always had to accept like it or not

    It was simply “NOT”

    Disney thought they had it right

    We took it as a plight

    We were determined to show our talent

    We refused to be silent

    When the curtain rose and the spotlight was on

    First the teapot went through the audience and asked, “Do you want some tea?”

    The audience didn’t know exactly in how to respond other than laugh

    The music started and that’s entertainment

    Then the cup and saucers with their enchanting voices stating we are Cup and Saucers best

    You are our guest

    But we have only one request, “Don’t expect us to serve”

    We are entertainment and that is what you deserve

    Let’s go back into Teapot and cup and saucers time

    On the table a teapot and cup and saucers that was always there

    Alone with barely a touch

    That doesn’t sound much

    The table of beauty being a setting and we were decorative

    Being objective

    There was a party and the Teapot and Cup and Saucers were the highlight

    Ready to fulfill

    At will


    There was some pour and detail

    But without fail

    Beautiful friendship

    Pleasure to be your acquaintance

    Music still playing enchanted

    The stage is now full of dancers

    Flashing lights

    Teapot and Cup and Saucers dancing in delight

    We shall dance

    Suddenly the beast appeared being angry and upset

    The duo of Teapot and cup and saucers had an effect

    The question came up from the beast in why he wasn’t invited?

    The response, Teapots and cup and saucers are the entertainers and you are only the prop when needed

    It was on with the show

    We put the beast finally in the know

    The finale being an encore, the teapot and cup and saucers together a team

    The audience stood up and applauded and the curtain came down

    It was a teapot and cup and saucers with a pouring spirit

    You have to give them merit

    That’s entertainment the way it was meant to be




