is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Beep Beep

    Talking bus

    Surprised to hear one

    Never out done

    Flag me down

    Step aboard

    Hear the engine pulsating

    I travel from Market Street Downtown and all around into the suburbs

    It’s the commuters who ride

    Street to street to which I provide

    Stopping within various street blocks

    Sometimes traffic like it or not

    Daily proceed

    Transit all communities need

    When you see your stop, just pull the cord, and I will stop

    A talking transit bus at its best

    Some say they can take it or less

    Commuters have that right to confess

    Nonetheless, transit bus on duty

    Observe how I absorb the street bumps, totally sturdy

    This talking transit bus has said enough

    No bluff

    Just enough


