is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    Oven nice and hot

    All Turkeys say not

    Turkey dash run here and there

    Stuffing with all the seasoning ready

    The Turkeys have no choice but to hold steady

    Knives are all prepared

    Cook and serve

    Giving thanks all deserve

    Turkeys say why us?

    Thanksgiving tradition being the must

    Turkeys are always in a getaway rush

    They are chanting, “NO”

    Like it or not

    Look Turkeys, you are the main course

    We humans are the force

    Turkeys rebel with a picket sign, ‘DOWN WITH THANKSGIVING”

    Table set

    Have a seat

    Let’s eat

    Turkey defeat


