is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    When Mouse enters, make them get out

    Put two Ultrasonic devices in every room

    It will spell mouse doom

    As the mouse roams on tour

    Show them your house is no allure

    Let your tracks lure them to their end

    Be smart as the mouse

    Show them you live here and it is your house
    Watch their movement

    I always say too them, go back to Disneyworld

    I control and swirl

    Pests are not welcomed here

    Show the mouse fear

    Let darkness be your advantage

    Use strong and wide black sticky traps

    In the track they shall go

    No more pest, just the house freedom flow

    I wanted to put you in the know

    The Mice will be packing their bags and permanently out

    Mouse free and watch them flee

    This procedure mentioned is between you and me

    Wait and see

    House control

    Mice and mouse behold

    Get out and watch as the pest control gets bold

    The house is always a family threshold.



