is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Please share this website as much as possible.


    Through the mysterious

    Open doors with no locks nor keys

    Not a place

    Not recognizable

    Not an event

    The Enter is too nowhere

    Far out within

    Once you Enter, there is no way out

    You have arrived

    Can’t get out

    Can’t yell for help, the walls are enforced against sound

    All you can do is move about

    Mind wonders

    Eyes wanders

    Nowhere through never was

    Stumbled on something you never knew

    Your curiosity wants to learn more

    You know no more than you know now

    You entered the portal of nowhere

    Go through

    Entered Trap

    Caught and always will remain

    Nowhere forever

    Enter keep

    Never to return





