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  • Ancient Greek Epigram translations by Michael R. Burch

    These are translations of ancient Greek epigrams by Michael R. Burch. The ancient Greek poets translated include female poets like Anyte, Erinna, Nossis and Sappho, as well as famous male poets like Aeschylus, Anacreon, Antipater of Sidon, Callimachus, Glaucus, Homer, Ibykos, Leonidas of Tarentum, Plato, Simonides, Sophocles
    How valiant he lies tonight: great is his Monument! 
    Yet Ares cares not, neither does War relent.
    by Anacreon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Here he lies in state tonight: great is his Monument! 
    Yet Ares cares not, neither does War relent.
    by Anacreon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Yes, bring me Homer's lyre, no doubt, 
    but first yank the bloodstained strings out! 
    by Anacreon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Here we find Anacreon, 
    an elderly lover of boys and wine. 
    His harp still sings in lonely Acheron 
    as he thinks of the lads he left behind...
    by Anacreon or the Anacreontea, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Mariner, do not ask whose tomb this may be, 
    But go with good fortune: I wish you a kinder sea.
    Michael R. Burch, after Plato
    Tell the Spartans we lie
    Lifeless at Thermopylae: 
    Dead at their word, 
    Obedient to their command.
    Have they heard? 
    Do they understand? 
    Michael R. Burch, after Simonides
    Does my soul abide in heaven, or hell? 
    Only the sea gulls in their high, lonely circuits may tell.
    Michael R. Burch, after Glaucus
    They observed our fearful fetters, 
    braved the overwhelming darkness.
    Now we extol their excellence: 
    bravely, they died for us.
    Michael R. Burch, after Mnasalcas
    Blame not the gale, nor the inhospitable sea-gulf, nor friends' tardiness, 
    Mariner! Just man's foolhardiness.
    Michael R. Burch, after Leonidas of Tarentum
    Be ashamed, O mountains and seas: 
    that these valorous men lack breath.
    Assume, like pale chattels, 
    an ashen silence at death.
    Michael R. Burch, after Parmenio
    These men earned a crown of imperishable glory, 
    Nor did the maelstrom of death obscure their story.
    Michael R. Burch, after Simonides
    Stranger, flee! 
    But may Fortune grant you all the prosperity
    she denied me.
    Michael R. Burch, after Leonidas of Tarentum
    Everywhere the sea is the sea, the dead are the dead.
    What difference to me?where I rest my head? 
    The sea knows I'm buried.
    Michael R. Burch, after Antipater of Sidon
    I lie by stark Icarian rocks
    and only speak when the sea talks.
    Please tell my dear father that I gave up the ghost
    on the Aegean coast.
    Michael R. Burch, after Theaetetus
    Here I lie dead and sea-enclosed Cyzicus shrouds my bones.
    Faretheewell, O my adoptive land that reared and nurtured me; 
    once again I take rest at your breast.
    Michael R. Burch, after Erycius
    I am loyal to you master, even in the grave: 
    Just as you now are death's slave.
    Michael R. Burch, after Dioscorides
    Stripped of her stripling, if asked, she'd confess: 
    'I am now less than nothingness.'
    Michael R. Burch, after Diotimus
    Sail on, mariner, sail on, 
    for while we were perishing, 
    greater ships sailed on.
    Michael R. Burch, after Theodorides
    All this vast sea is his Monument.
    Where does he lie?whether heaven, or hell? 
    Perhaps when the gulls repent?
    their shriekings may tell.
    Michael R. Burch, after Glaucus
    His white bones lie bleaching on some inhospitable shore: 
    a son lost to his father, his tomb empty; the poor-
    est beggars have happier mothers! 
    Michael R. Burch, after Damegtus
    A mother only as far as the birth pangs, 
    my life cut short at the height of life's play: 
    only eighteen years old, so brief was my day.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Having never earned a penny, 
    nor seen a bridal gown slip to the floor, 
    still I lie here with the love of many, 
    to be the love of yet one more.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Little I knew?a child of five?
    of what it means to be alive
    and all life's little thrills; 
    but little also?(I was glad not to know)  ?
    of life's great ills.
    Michael R. Burch, after Lucian
    Pity this boy who was beautiful, but died.
    Pity his monument, overlooking this hillside.
    Pity the world that bore him, then foolishly survived.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Insatiable Death! I was only a child! 
    Why did you snatch me away, in my infancy, 
    from those destined to love me? 
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Tell Nicagoras that Strymonias
    at the setting of the Kids
    lost his.
    Michael R. Burch, after Nicaenetus
    Here Saon, son of Dicon, now rests in holy sleep: 
    say not that the good die young, friend, 
    lest gods and mortals weep.
    Michael R. Burch, after Callimachus
    The light of a single morning
    exterminated the sacred offspring of Lysidice.
    Nor do the angels sing.
    Nor do we seek the gods' advice.
    This is the grave of Nicander's lost children.
    We merely weep at its bitter price.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Pluto, delighting in tears, 
    why did you bring our son, Ariston, 
    to the laughterless abyss of death? 
    Why?why? ?did the gods grant him breath, 
    if only for seven years? 
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Heartlessly this grave
    holds our nightingale speechless; 
    now she lies here like a stone, 
    who voice was so marvelous; 
    while sunlight illumining dust
    proves the gods all reachless, 
    as our prayers prove them also
    unhearing or beseechless.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    I, Homenea, the chattering bright sparrow, 
    lie here in the hollow of a great affliction, 
    leaving tears to Atimetus
    and all scattered?that great affection.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    We mourn Polyanthus, whose wife
    placed him newly-wedded in an unmarked grave, 
    having received his luckless corpse
    back from the green Aegean wave
    that deposited his fleshless skeleton
    gruesomely in the harbor of Torone.
    Michael R. Burch, after Phaedimus
    Once sweetest of the workfellows, 
    our shy teller of tall tales
    ?fleet Crethis! ?who excelled
    at every childhood game...
    now you sleep among long shadows
    where everyone's the same...
    Michael R. Burch, after Callimachus
    Although I had to leave the sweet sun, 
    only nineteen?Diogenes, hail! ?
    beneath the earth, let's have lots more fun: 
    till human desire seems weak and pale.
    Michael R. Burch, after an unknown Greek poet
    Though they were steadfast among spears, dark Fate destroyed them
    as they defended their native land, rich in sheep; 
    now Ossa's dust seems all the more woeful, where they now sleep.
    Michael R. Burch, after Aeschylus
    Aeschylus, graybeard, son of Euphorion, 
    died far away in wheat-bearing Gela; 
    still, the groves of Marathon may murmur of his valor
    and the black-haired Mede, with his mournful clarion.
    Michael R. Burch, after Aeschylus
    Now his voice is prisoned in the silent pathways of the night: 
    his owner's faithful Maltese...
    but will he still bark again, on sight? 
    Michael R. Burch, after Tymnes
    Poor partridge, poor partridge, lately migrated from the rocks; 
    our cat bit off your unlucky head; my offended heart still balks! 
    I put you back together again and buried you, so unsightly! 
    May the dark earth cover you heavily: heavily, not lightly...
    so she shan't get at you again! 
    Michael R. Burch, after Agathias
    Wert thou, O Artemis, 
    overbusy with thy beast-slaying hounds
    when the Beast embraced me? 
    Michael R. Burch, after Diodorus of Sardis
    Dead as you are, though you lie still as stone, 
    huntress Lycas, my great Thessalonian hound, 
    the wild beasts still fear your white bones; 
    craggy Pelion remembers your valor, 
    splendid Ossa, the way you would bound
    and bay at the moon for its whiteness, 
    bellowing as below we heard valleys resound.
    And how brightly with joy you would canter and run
    the strange lonely peaks of high Cithaeron! 
    Michael R. Burch, after Simonides
    Constantina, inconstant one! 
    Once I thought your name beautiful
    but I was a fool
    and now you are more bitter to me than death! 
    You flee someone who loves you
    with baited breath
    to pursue someone who's untrue.
    But if you manage to make him love you, 
    tomorrow you'll flee him too! 
    Michael R. Burch, after Macedonius
    Not Rocky Trachis, 
    nor the thirsty herbage of Dryophis, 
    nor this albescent stone
    with its dark blue lettering shielding your white bones, 
    nor the wild Icarian sea dashing against the steep shingles
    of Doliche and Dracanon, 
    nor the empty earth, 
    nor anything essential of me since birth, 
    nor anything now mingles
    here with the perplexing absence of you, 
    with what death forces us to abandon...
    Michael R. Burch, after Euphorion
    We who left the thunderous surge of the Aegean
    of old, now lie here on the mid-plain of Ecbatan: 
    farewell, dear Athens, nigh to Euboea, 
    farewell, dear sea! 
    Michael R. Burch, after Plato
    My friend found me here, 
    a shipwrecked corpse on the beach.
    He heaped these strange boulders above me.
    Oh, how he would wail
    that he 'loved' me, 
    with many bright tears for his own calamitous life! 
    Now he sleeps with my wife
    and flits like a gull in a gale
    ?beyond reach?
    while my broken bones bleach.
    Michael R. Burch, after Callimachus
    Cloud-capped Geraneia, cruel mountain! 
    If only you had looked no further than Ister and Scythian
    Tanais, had not aided the surge of the Scironian
    sea's wild-spurting fountain
    filling the dark ravines of snowy Meluriad! 
    But now he is dead: 
    a chill corpse in a chillier ocean?moon led?
    and only an empty tomb now speaks of the long, windy voyage ahead.
    Michael R. Burch, after Simonides
    Erinna Epigrams
    This portrait is the work of sensitive, artistic hands. 
    See, my dear Prometheus, you have human equals! 
    For if whoever painted this girl had only added a voice, 
    she would have been Agatharkhis entirely. 
    by Erinna, translation by Michael R. Burch
    You, my tall Columns, and you, my small Urn, 
    the receptacle of Hades' tiny pittance of ash?
    remember me to those who pass by 
    my grave, as they dash.
    Tell them my story, as sad as it is: 
    that this grave sealed a young bride's womb; 
    that my name was Baucis and Telos my land; 
    and that Erinna, my friend, etched this poem on my Tomb.
    by Erinna, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Excerpts from 'Distaff'
    by Erinna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    … the moon rising …
          … leaves falling …
               … waves lapping a windswept shore …
    … and our childish games, Baucis, do you remember? ...
    ... Leaping from white horses, 
    running on reckless feet through the great courtyard.   
    'You're it! ' I cried, ‘You're the Tortoise now! '
    But when your turn came to pursue your pursuers, 
    you darted beyond the courtyard, 
    dashed out deep into the waves, 
    splashing far beyond us …
    … My poor Baucis, these tears I now weep are your warm memorial, 
    these traces of embers still smoldering in my heart
    for our silly amusements, now that you lie ash …
    … Do you remember how, as girls, 
    we played at weddings with our dolls, 
    pretending to be brides in our innocent beds? ...
    ... How sometimes I was your mother, 
    allotting wool to the weaver-women, 
    calling for you to unreel the thread? ...
    … Do you remember our terror of the monster Mormo
    with her huge ears, her forever-flapping tongue, 
    her four slithering feet, her shape-shifting face? ...
    ... Until you mother called for us to help with the salted meat...
    ... But when you mounted your husband's bed, 
    dearest Baucis, you forgot your mothers' warnings! 
    Aphrodite made your heart forgetful...
    ... Desire becomes oblivion...
    ... Now I lament your loss, my dearest friend. 
    I can't bear to think of that dark crypt.
    I can't bring myself to leave the house. 
    I refuse to profane your corpse with my tearless eyes. 
    I refuse to cut my hair, but how can I mourn with my hair unbound? 
    I blush with shame at the thought of you! …
    ... But in this dark house, O my dearest Baucis, 
    My deep grief is ripping me apart. 
    Wretched Erinna! Only nineteen, 
    I moan like an ancient crone, eyeing this strange distaff...
    O Hymen! ... O Hymenaeus! ...
    Alas, my poor Baucis!
    On a Betrothed Girl
    by Errina
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    I sing of Baucis the bride.
    Observing her tear-stained crypt
    say this to Death who dwells underground: 
     'Thou art envious, O Death! '
    Her vivid monument tells passers-by
    of the bitter misfortune of Baucis?
    how her father-in-law burned the poor girl on a pyre 
    lit by bright torches meant to light her marriage train home.
    While thou, O Hymenaeus, transformed her harmonious bridal song into a chorus of wailing dirges.
    Hymen! O Hymenaeus! 
    These are my translations of ancient Greek and Roman epigrams, or they may be better described as interpretations or poems 'after' the original poets …
    You begrudge men your virginity? 
    Why? To what purpose? 
    You will find no one to embrace you in the grave.
    The joys of love are for the living.
    But in Acheron, dear virgin, 
    we shall all lie dust and ashes.
    —Asclepiades of Samos (circa 320-260 BC) , loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Let me live with joy today, since tomorrow is unforeseeable.
    ?Michael R Burch, after Palladas of Alexandria
    Laments for Animals
    Now his voice is prisoned in the silent pathways of the night: 
    his owner's faithful Maltese...
    but will he still bark again, on sight? 
    ?Michael R Burch, after Tymnes
    Poor partridge, poor partridge, lately migrated from the rocks; 
    our cat bit off your unlucky head; my offended heart still balks! 
    I put you back together again and buried you, so unsightly! 
    May the dark earth cover you heavily: heavily, not lightly...
    so she shan't get at you again! 
    ?Michael R Burch, after Agathias
    Hunter partridge, 
    we no longer hear your echoing cry
    along the forest's dappled feeding ground
    where, in times gone by, 
    you would decoy speckled kinsfolk to their doom, 
    luring them on, 
    for now you too have gone
    down the dark path to Acheron.
    ?Michael R Burch, after Simmias
    Wert thou, O Artemis, 
    overbusy with thy beast-slaying hounds
    when the Beast embraced me? 
    ?Michael R Burch, after Diodorus of Sardis
    Dead as you are, though you lie as
    still as cold stone, huntress Lycas, 
    my great Thessalonian hound, 
    the wild beasts still fear your white bones; 
    craggy Pelion remembers your valor, 
    splendid Ossa, the way you would bound
    and bay at the moon for its whiteness
    as below we heard valleys resound.
    And how brightly with joy you would leap and run
    the strange lonely peaks of high Cithaeron! 
    ?Michael R Burch, after Simonides
    Anyte Epigrams
    Stranger, rest your weary legs beneath the elms; 
    hear how coolly the breeze murmurs through their branches; 
    then take a bracing draught from the mountain-fed fountain; 
    for this is welcome shade from the burning sun.
    —Anyte, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Here I stand, Hermes, in the crossroads
    by the windswept elms near the breezy beach, 
    providing rest to sunburned travelers, 
    and cold and brisk is my fountain's abundance.
    —Anyte, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Sit here, quietly shaded by the luxuriant foliage, 
    and drink cool water from the sprightly spring, 
    so that your weary breast, panting with summer's labors, 
    may take rest from the blazing sun.
    —Anyte, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    This is the grove of Cypris, 
    for it is fair for her to look out over the land to the bright deep, 
    that she may make the sailors' voyages happy, 
    as the sea trembles, observing her brilliant image.
    —Anyte, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Nossis Epigrams
    There is nothing sweeter than love.
    All other delights are secondary.
    Thus, I spit out even honey.
    This is what Gnossis says: 
    Whom Aphrodite does not love, 
    Is bereft of her roses.
    —Nossis, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Most revered Hera, the oft-descending from heaven, 
    behold your Lacinian shrine fragrant with incense
    and receive the linen robe your noble child Nossis, 
    daughter of Theophilis and Cleocha, has woven for you.
    —Nossis, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Stranger, if you sail to Mitylene, my homeland of beautiful dances, 
    to indulge in the most exquisite graces of Sappho, 
    remember I also was loved by the Muses, who bore me and reared me there.
    My name, never forget it! , is Nossis. Now go! 
    —Nossis, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Pass me with ringing laughter, then award me
    a friendly word: I am Rinthon, scion of Syracuse, 
    a small nightingale of the Muses; from their tragedies
    I was able to pluck an ivy, unique, for my own use.
    —Nossis, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Ibykos/Ibycus Epigrams
    Euryalus, born of the blue-eyed Graces, 
    scion of the bright-tressed Seasons, 
    son of the Cyprian, 
    whom dew-lidded Persuasion birthed among rose-blossoms.
    —Ibykos/Ibycus (circa 540 BC) , loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Ibykos/Ibycus Fragment 286, circa 564 B.C.
    this poem has been titled 'The Influence of Spring'
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Come spring, the grand
    apple trees stand
    watered by a gushing river
    where the maidens' uncut flowers shiver
    and the blossoming grape vine swells
    in the gathering shadows.
    for me
    Eros never rests
    but like a Thracian tempest
    ablaze with lightning
    emanates from Aphrodite; 
    the results are frightening—
    violently jolting me from my soles
    to my soul.
    Ibykos/Ibycus Fragment 282, circa 540 B.C.
    Ibykos fragment 282, Oxyrhynchus papyrus, lines 1-32
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch, 
    ... They also destroyed the glorious city of Priam, son of Dardanus, 
    after leaving Argos due to the devices of death-dealing Zeus, 
    encountering much-sung strife over the striking beauty of auburn-haired Helen, 
    waging woeful war when destruction rained down on longsuffering Pergamum
    thanks to the machinations of golden-haired Aphrodite...
    But now it is not my intention to sing of Paris, the host-deceiver, 
    nor of slender-ankled Cassandra, 
    nor of Priam's other children, 
    nor of the nameless day of the downfall of high-towered Troy, 
    nor even of the valour of the heroes who hid in the hollow, many-bolted horse...
    Such was the destruction of Troy.
    They were heroic men and Agamemnon was their king, 
    a king from Pleisthenes, 
    a son of Atreus, son of a noble father.
    The all-wise Muses of Helicon
    might recount such tales accurately, 
    but no mortal man, unblessed, 
    could ever number those innumerable ships
    Menelaus led across the Aegean from Aulos...
    'From Argos they came, the bronze-speared sons of the Achaeans...'
    Antipater Epigrams
    Everywhere the sea is the sea, the dead are the dead.
    What difference to me—where I rest my head? 
    The sea knows I'm buried.
    ?Michael R Burch, after Antipater of Sidon
    Mnemosyne was stunned into astonishment when she heard honey-tongued Sappho, 
    wondering how mortal men merited a tenth Muse.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch, 
    O Aeolian land, you lightly cover Sappho, 
    the mortal Muse who joined the Immortals, 
    whom Cypris and Eros fostered, 
    with whom Peitho wove undying wreaths, 
    who was the joy of Hellas and your glory.
    O Fates who twine the spindle's triple thread, 
    why did you not spin undying life
    for the singer whose deathless gifts
    enchanted the Muses of Helicon? 
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Here, O stranger, the sea-crashed earth covers Homer, 
    herald of heroes' valour, 
    spokesman of the Olympians, 
    second sun to the Greeks, 
    light of the immortal Muses, 
    the Voice that never diminishes.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    This herald of heroes, 
    this interpreter of the Immortals, 
    this second sun shedding light on the life of Greece, 
    the delight of the Muses, 
    the ageless voice of the world, 
    lies dead, O stranger, 
    washed away with the sea-washed sand...
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    As high as the trumpet's cry exceeds the thin flute's, 
    so high above all others your lyre rang; 
    so much the sweeter your honey than the waxen-celled swarm's.
    O Pindar, with your tender lips witness how the horned god Pan
    forgot his pastoral reeds when he sang your hymns.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Here lies Pindar, the Pierian trumpet, 
    the heavy-smiting smith of well-stuck hymns.
    Hearing his melodies, one might believe
    the immortal Muses possessed bees
    to produce heavenly harmonies in the bridal chamber of Cadmus.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Harmonia, the goddess of Harmony, was the bride of Cadmus, so his bridal chamber would have been full of pleasant sounds.
    Praise the well-wrought verses of tireless Antimachus, 
    a man worthy of the majesty of ancient demigods, 
    whose words were forged on the Muses' anvils.
    If you are gifted with a keen ear, 
    if you aspire to weighty words, 
    if you would pursue a path less traveled, 
    if Homer holds the scepter of song, 
    and yet Zeus is greater than Poseidon, 
    even so Poseidon his inferior exceeds all other Immortals; 
    and even so the Colophonian bows before Homer, 
    but exceeds all other singers.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    I, the trumpet that once blew the bloody battle-notes
    and the sweet truce-tunes, now hang here, Pherenicus, 
    your gift to Athena, quieted from my clamorous music.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Behold Anacreon's tomb; 
    here the Teian swan sleeps with the unmitigated madness of his love for lads.
    Still he sings songs of longing on the lyre of Bathyllus
    and the albescent marble is perfumed with ivy.
    Death has not quenched his desire
    and the house of Acheron still burns with the fevers of Cypris.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    May the four-clustered clover, Anacreon, 
    grow here by your grave, 
    ringed by the tender petals of the purple meadow-flowers, 
    and may fountains of white milk bubble up, 
    and the sweet-scented wine gush forth from the earth, 
    so that your ashes and bones may experience joy, 
    if indeed the dead know any delight.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Stranger passing by the simple tomb of Anacreon, 
    if you found any profit in my books, 
    please pour drops of your libation on my ashes, 
    so that my bones, refreshed by wine, may rejoice
    that I, who so delighted in the boisterous revels of Dionysus, 
    and who played such manic music, as wine-drinkers do, 
    even in death may not travel without Bacchus
    in my sojourn to that land to which all men must come.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Anacreon, glory of Ionia, 
    even in the land of the lost may you never be without your beloved revels, 
    or your well-loved lyre, 
    and may you still sing with glistening eyes, 
    shaking the braided flowers from your hair, 
    turning always towards Eurypyle, Megisteus, or the locks of Thracian Smerdies, 
    sipping sweet wine, 
    your robes drenched with the juices of grapes, 
    wringing intoxicating nectar from its folds...
    For all your life, old friend, was poured out as an offering to these three: 
    the Muses, Bacchus, and Love.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    You sleep amid the dead, Anacreon, 
    your day-labor done, 
    your well-loved lyre's sweet tongue silenced
    that once sang incessantly all night long.
    And Smerdies also sleeps, 
    the spring-tide of your loves, 
    for whom, tuning and turning you lyre, 
    you made music like sweetest nectar.
    For you were Love's bullseye, 
    the lover of lads, 
    and he had the bow and the subtle archer's craft
    to never miss his target.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Erinna's verses were few, nor were her songs overlong, 
    but her smallest works were inspired.
    Therefore she cannot fail to be remembered
    and is never lost beneath the shadowy wings of bleak night.
    While we, the estranged, the innumerable throngs of tardy singers, 
    lie in pale corpse-heaps wasting into oblivion.
    The moaned song of the lone swan outdoes the cawings of countless jackdaws
    echoing far and wide through darkening clouds.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Who hung these glittering shields here, 
    these unstained spears and unruptured helmets, 
    dedicating to murderous Ares ornaments of no value? 
    Will no one cast these virginal weapons out of my armory? 
    Their proper place is in the peaceful halls of placid men, 
    not within the wild walls of Enyalius.
    I delight in hacked heads and the blood of dying berserkers, 
    if, indeed, I am Ares the Destroyer.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    May good Fortune, O stranger, keep you on course all your life before a fair breeze! 
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Docile doves may coo for cowards, 
    but we delight in dauntless men.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Here by the threshing-room floor, 
    little ant, you relentless toiler, 
    I built you a mound of liquid-absorbing earth, 
    so that even in death you may partake of the droughts of Demeter, 
    as you lie in the grave my plough burrowed.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    This is your mother's lament, Artemidorus, 
    weeping over your tomb, 
    bewailing your twelve brief years: 
    'All the fruit of my labor has gone up in smoke, 
    all your heartbroken father's endeavors are ash, 
    all your childish passion an extinguished flame.
    For you have entered the land of the lost, 
    from which there is no return, never a home-coming.
    You failed to reach your prime, my darling, 
    and now we have nothing but your headstone and dumb dust.'
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Everywhere the sea is the sea, the dead are the dead.
    What difference to me—where I rest my head? 
    The sea knows I'm buried.
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Everywhere the Sea is the Sea
    by Antipater of Sidon
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Everywhere the Sea is the same; 
    why then do we idly blame
    the Cyclades
    or the harrowing waves of narrow Helle? 
    To protest is vain! 
    Justly, they have earned their fame.
    Why then, 
    after I had escaped them, 
    did the harbor of Scarphe engulf me? 
    I advise whoever finds a fair passage home: 
    accept that the sea's way is its own.
    Man is foam.
    Aristagoras knows who's buried here.
    Orpheus, mute your bewitching strains
    by Antipater of Sidon
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Orpheus, mute your bewitching strains; 
    Leave beasts to wander stony plains; 
    No longer sing fierce winds to sleep, 
    Nor seek to enchant the tumultuous deep; 
    For you are dead; each Muse, forlorn, 
    Strums anguished strings as your mother mourns.
    Mind, mere mortals, mind—no use to moan, 
    When even a Goddess could not save her own! 
    Orpheus, now you will never again enchant
    by Antipater of Sidon
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Orpheus, now you will never again enchant the charmed oaks, 
    never again mesmerize shepherdless herds of wild beasts, 
    never again lull the roaring winds, 
    never again tame the tumultuous hail
    nor the sweeping snowstorms
    nor the crashing sea, 
    for you have perished
    and the daughters of Mnemosyne weep for you, 
    and your mother Calliope above all.
    Why do mortals mourn their dead sons, 
    when not even the gods can protect their children from Hades? 
    —Antipater of Sidon, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    The High Road to Death
    by Antipater of Sidon
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    Men skilled in the stars call me brief-lifed; 
    I am, but what do I care, O Seleucus? 
    All men descend to Hades
    and if our demise comes quicker, 
    the sooner we shall we look on Minos.
    Let us drink then, for surely wine is a steed for the high-road, 
    when pedestrians march sadly to Death.
    The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
    by Antipater of Sidon
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    I have set my eyes upon
    the lofty walls of Babylon
    with its elevated road for chariots
    ... and upon the statue of Zeus
    by the Alpheus...
    ... and upon the hanging gardens...
    ... upon the Colossus of the Sun...
    ... upon the massive edifices
    of the towering pyramids...
    ... even upon the vast tomb of Mausolus...
    but when I saw the mansion of Artemis
    disappearing into the cirri, 
    those other marvels lost their brilliancy
    and I said, 'Setting aside Olympus, 
    the Sun never shone on anything so fabulous!'
    Sophocles Epigrams
    Not to have been born is best, 
    and blessed
    beyond the ability of words to express.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    It's a hundred times better not be born; 
    but if we cannot avoid the light, 
    the path of least harm is swiftly to return
    to death's eternal night! 
    —Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Never to be born may be the biggest boon of all.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Oblivion: What a blessing, to lie untouched by pain! 
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Oblivion: What a boon, to lie unbound by pain! 
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    How happy the soul who speeds back to the Source, 
    but crowned with peace is the one who never came.
    —a Sophoclean passage from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    The happiest life is one empty of thought.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Consider no man happy till he lies dead, free of pain at last.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    What is worse than death? When death is desired but denied.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    When a man endures nothing but endless miseries, what is the use of hanging on day after day, 
    edging closer and closer toward death? Anyone who warms his heart with the false glow of flickering hope is a wretch! The noble man should live with honor and die with honor. That's all that can be said.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Children anchor their mothers to life.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    How terrible, to see the truth when the truth brings only pain to the seer! 
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Wisdom outweighs all the world's wealth.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Fortune never favors the faint-hearted.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Wait for evening to appreciate the day's splendor.
    —Sophocles, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Homer Epigrams
    For the gods have decreed that unfortunate mortals must suffer, while they themselves are sorrowless.
    —Homer, Iliad 24.525-526, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    'It is best not to be born or, having been born, to pass on as swiftly as possible.'
    —attributed to Homer, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Ancient Roman Epigrams
    Wall, we're astonished that you haven't collapsed, 
    since you're holding up verses so prolapsed! 
    —Ancient Roman graffiti, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R Burch
    There is nothing so pointless, so perfidious as human life! ... The ultimate bliss is not to be born; otherwise we should speedily slip back into the original Nothingness.
    —Seneca, On Consolation to Marcia, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Originally published by The Chained Muse
    Elegy for a little girl, lost
    by Michael R. Burch
    ... qui laetificat juventutem meam...
    She was the joy of my youth, 
    and now she is gone.
    ... requiescat in pace...
    May she rest in peace.
    ... amen...
    Veronica Franco translations
    Capitolo 19: A Courtesan's Love Lyric (I)  
    by Veronica Franco
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    'I resolved to make a virtue of my desire.'
    My rewards will be commensurate with your gifts
    if only you give me the one that lifts
    me laughing...
    And though it costs you nothing, 
    still it is of immense value to me.
    Your reward will be
    not just to fly
    but to soar, so high
    that your joys vastly exceed your desires.
    And my beauty, to which your heart aspires
    and which you never tire of praising, 
    I will employ for the raising
    of your spirits. Then, lying sweetly at your side, 
    I will shower you with all the delights of a bride, 
    which I have more expertly learned.
    Then you, who so fervently burned, 
    will at last rest, fully content, 
    fallen even more deeply in love, spent
    at my comfortable bosom.
    When I am in bed with a man I blossom, 
    becoming completely free
    with the man who loves and enjoys me.
    Capitolo 19: A Courtesan's Love Lyric (II)  
    by Veronica Franco
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    'I resolved to make a virtue of my desire.'
    My rewards will match your gifts
    If you give me the one that lifts
    Me, laughing. If it comes free, 
    Still, it is of immense value to me.
    Your reward will be?not just to fly, 
    But to soar?so incredibly high
    That your joys eclipse your desires
    (As my beauty, to which your heart aspires
    And which you never tire of praising, 
    I employ for your spirit's raising) .
    Afterwards, lying docile at your side, 
    I will grant you all the delights of a bride, 
    Which I have more expertly learned.
    Then you, who so fervently burned, 
    Will at last rest, fully content, 
    Fallen even more deeply in love, spent
    At my comfortable bosom.
    When I am in bed with a man I blossom, 
    Becoming completely free
    With the man who freely enjoys me.
    Capitolo 24
    by Veronica Franco
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    (written by Franco to a man who had insulted a woman)  
    Please try to see with sensible eyes
    how grotesque it is for you
    to insult and abuse women! 
    Our unfortunate sex is always subject
    to such unjust treatment, because we
    are dominated, denied true freedom! 
    And certainly we are not at fault
    because, while not as robust as men, 
    we have equal hearts, minds and intellects.
    Nor does virtue originate in power, 
    but in the vigor of the heart, mind and soul: 
    the sources of understanding; 
    and I am certain that in these regards
    women lack nothing, 
    but, rather, have demonstrated
    superiority to men.
    If you think us 'inferior' to yourself, 
    perhaps it's because, being wise, 
    we outdo you in modesty.
    And if you want to know the truth, 
    the wisest person is the most patient; 
    she squares herself with reason and with virtue; 
    while the madman thunders insolence.
    The stone the wise man withdraws from the well
    was flung there by a fool...
    When I bed a man
    who?I sense?truly loves and enjoys me, 
    I become so sweet and so delicious
    that the pleasure I bring him surpasses all delight, 
    till the tight
    knot of love, 
    however slight
    it may have seemed before, 
    is raveled to the core.
    ?Veronica Franco, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    We danced a youthful jig through that fair city?
    Venice, our paradise, so pompous and pretty.
    We lived for love, for primal lust and beauty; 
    to please ourselves became our only duty.
    Floating there in a fog between heaven and earth, 
    We grew drunk on excesses and wild mirth.
    We thought ourselves immortal poets then, 
    Our glory endorsed by God's illustrious pen.
    But paradise, we learned, is fraught with error, 
    and sooner or later love succumbs to terror.
    ?Veronica Franco, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    I wish it were not considered a sin
    to have liked intercourse.
    Women have yet to realize
    the cowardice that presides.
    And if they should ever decide
    to fight the shallow, 
    I would be the first, setting an example for them to follow.
    ?Veronica Franco, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    I lived as best I could, and then I died.
    Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.
    Michael R. Burch, Epitaph for a Palestinian Child
    by Rumi
    loose translation by Michael R. Burch
    Birdsong relieves
    my deepest griefs: 
    now I'm just as ecstatic as they, 
    but with nothing to say! 
    Please universe, 
    your poetry
    through me! 
    To the boy Elis
    by Georg Trakl
    translation by Michael R. Burch
    Elis, when the blackbird cries from the black forest, 
    it announces your downfall.
    Your lips sip the rock-spring's blue coolness.
    Your brow sweats blood
    recalling ancient myths
    and dark interpretations of birds' flight.
    Yet you enter the night with soft footfalls; 
    the ripe purple grapes hang suspended
    as you wave your arms more beautifully in the blueness.
    A thornbush crackles; 
    where now are your moonlike eyes? 
    How long, oh Elis, have you been dead? 
    A monk dips waxed fingers
    into your body's hyacinth; 
    Our silence is a black abyss
    from which sometimes a docile animal emerges
    slowly lowering its heavy lids.
    A black dew drips from your temples: 
    the lost gold of vanished stars.
    W. S. Rendra translations
    by W. S. Rendra
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Best wishes for an impending deflowering.
    Yes, I understand: you will never be mine.
    I am resigned to my undeserved fate.
    I contemplate
    irrational numbers?complex & undefined.
    And yet I wish love might... ameliorate...
    such negative numbers, dark and unsigned.
    But at least I can't be held responsible
    for disappointing you. No cause to elate.
    Still, I am resigned to my undeserved fate.
    The gods have spoken. I can relate.
    How can this be, when all it makes no sense? 
    I was born too soon?such was my fate.
    You must choose another, not half of who I AM.
    Be happy with him when you consummate.
    by W. S. Rendra
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Illuminated by the pale moonlight
    the groom carries his bride
    up the hill?
    both of them naked, 
    both consisting of nothing but themselves.
    As in all beginnings
    the world is naked, 
    empty, free of deception, 
    dark with unspoken explanations?
    a silence that extends
    to the limits of time.
    Then comes light, 
    life, the animals and man.
    As in all beginnings
    everything is naked, 
    empty, open.
    They're both young, 
    yet both have already come a long way, 
    passing through the illusions of brilliant dawns, 
    of skies illuminated by hope, 
    of rivers intimating contentment.
    They have experienced the sun's warmth, 
    drenched in each other's sweat.
    Here, standing by barren reefs, 
    they watch evening fall
    bringing strange dreams
    to a bed arrayed with resplendent coral necklaces.
    They lift their heads to view
    trillions of stars arrayed in the sky.
    The universe is their inheritance: 
    stars upon stars upon stars, 
    more than could ever be extinguished.
    Illuminated by the pale moonlight
    the groom carries his bride
    up the hill?
    both of them naked, 
    to recreate the world's first face.
    Brother Iran
    by Michael R. Burch
    for the poets of Iran
    Brother Iran, I feel your pain.
    I feel it as when the Turk fled Spain.
    As the Jew fled, too, that constricting span, 
    I feel your pain, Brother Iran.
    Brother Iran, I know you are noble! 
    I too fear Hiroshima and Chernobyl.
    But though my heart shudders, I have a plan, 
    and I know you are noble, Brother Iran.
    Brother Iran, I salute your Poets! 
    your Mathematicians! , all your great Wits! 
    O, come join the earth's great Caravan.
    We'll include your Poets, Brother Iran.
    Brother Iran, I love your Verse! 
    Come take my hand now, let's rehearse
    the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
    For I love your Verse, Brother Iran.
    Bother Iran, civilization's Flower! 
    How high flew your spires in man's early hours! 
    Let us build them yet higher, for that's my plan, 
    civilization's first flower, Brother Iran.
    Passionate One
    by Michael R. Burch
    Love of my life, 
    light of my morning?
    arise, brightly dawning, 
    for you are my sun.
    Give me of heaven
    both manna and leaven?
    desirous Presence, 
    Passionate One.
    In My House
    by Michael R. Burch
    When you were in my house
    you were not free?
    in chains bound.
    Manifest Destiny? 
    I was wrong; 
    my plantation burned to the ground.
    I was wrong.
    This is my song, 
    this is my plea: 
    I was wrong.
    When you are in my house, 
    now, I am not free.
    I feel the song
    hurling itself back at me.
    We were wrong.
    This is my history.
    I feel my tongue
    stilting accordingly.
    We were wrong; 
    brother, forgive me.
    by Michael R. Burch
    Those who believed
    and Those who misled
    lie together at last
    in the same narrow bed
    and if god loved Them more
    for Their strange lack of doubt, 
    he kept it well hidden
    till he snuffed Them out.
    Habeas Corpus
    by Michael R. Burch
    from 'Songs of the Antinatalist'
    I have the results of your DNA analysis.
    If you want to have children, this may induce paralysis.
    I wish I had good news, but how can I lie? 
    Any offspring you have are guaranteed to die.
    It wouldn't be fair?I'm sure you'll agree?
    to sentence kids to death, so I'll waive my fee.
    by Michael R. Burch
    It was early in the morning of the forming of my soul, 
    in the dawning of desire, with passion at first bloom, 
    with lightning splitting heaven to thunder's blasting roll
    and a sense of welling fire and, perhaps, impending doom?
    that I cried out through the tumult of the raging storm on high
    for shelter from the chaos of the restless, driving rain...
    and the voice I heard replying from a rift of bleeding sky
    was mine, I'm sure, and, furthermore, was certainly insane.
    by Michael R. Burch
    does GOD adore the Tyger
    while it's ripping ur lamb apart? 
    does GOD applaud the Plague
    while it's eating u à la carte? 
    does GOD admire ur intelligence
    while u pray that IT has a heart? 
    does GOD endorse the Bible
    you blue-lighted at k-mart? 
    Deor's Lament (circa the 10th century AD)  
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Weland endured the agony of exile: 
    an indomitable smith wracked by grief.
    He suffered countless sorrows; 
    indeed, such sorrows were his bosom companions
    in that frozen island dungeon
    where Nithad fettered him: 
    so many strong-but-supple sinew-bands
    binding the better man.
    That passed away; this also may.
    Beadohild mourned her brothers' deaths, 
    bemoaning also her own sad state
    once she discovered herself with child.
    She knew nothing good could ever come of it.
    That passed away; this also may.
    We have heard the Geat's moans for Matilda, 
    his lovely lady, waxed limitless, 
    that his sorrowful love for her
    robbed him of regretless sleep.
    That passed away; this also may.
    For thirty winters Theodric ruled
    the Mæring stronghold with an iron hand; 
    many acknowledged his mastery and moaned.
    That passed away; this also may.
    We have heard too of Ermanaric's wolfish ways, 
    of how he cruelly ruled the Goths' realms.
    That was a grim king! Many a warrior sat, 
    full of cares and maladies of the mind, 
    wishing constantly that his crown might be overthrown.
    That passed away; this also may.
    If a man sits long enough, sorrowful and anxious, 
    bereft of joy, his mind constantly darkening, 
    soon it seems to him that his troubles are limitless.
    Then he must consider that the wise Lord
    often moves through the earth
    granting some men honor, glory and fame, 
    but others only shame and hardship.
    This I can say for myself: 
    that for awhile I was the Heodeninga's scop, 
    dear to my lord. My name was Deor.
    For many winters I held a fine office, 
    faithfully serving a just king. But now Heorrenda
    a man skilful in songs, has received the estate
    the protector of warriors had promised me.
    That passed away; this also may.
    The Temple Hymns of Enheduanna
    with modern English translations by Michael R. Burch
    Lament to the Spirit of War
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    You hack down everything you see, War God! 
    Rising on fearsome wings
    you rush to destroy our land: 
    raging like thunderstorms, 
    howling like hurricanes, 
    screaming like tempests, 
    thundering, raging, ranting, drumming, 
    whiplashing whirlwinds! 
    Men falter at your approaching footsteps.
    Tortured dirges scream on your lyre of despair.
    Like a fiery Salamander you poison the land: 
    growling over the earth like thunder, 
    vegetation collapsing before you, 
    blood gushing down mountainsides.
    Spirit of hatred, greed and vengeance! 
    Dominatrix of heaven and earth! 
    Your ferocious fire consumes our land.
    Whipping your stallion
    with furious commands, 
    you impose our fates.
    You triumph over all human rites and prayers.
    Who can explain your tirade, 
    why you carry on so? 
    Temple Hymn 15
    to the Gishbanda Temple of Ningishzida
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Most ancient and terrible shrine, 
    set deep in the mountain, 
    dark like a mother's womb...
    Dark shrine, 
    like a mother's wounded breast, 
    blood-red and terrifying...
    Though approaching through a safe-seeming field, 
    our hair stands on end as we near you! 
    like a neck-stock, 
    like a fine-eyed fish net, 
    like a foot-shackled prisoner's manacles...
    your ramparts are massive, 
    like a trap! 
    But once we're inside, 
    as the sun rises, 
    you yield widespread abundance! 
    Your prince
    is the pure-handed priest of Inanna, heaven's Holy One, 
    Lord Ningishzida! 
    Oh, see how his thick, lustrous hair
    cascades down his back! 
    Oh Gishbanda, 
    he has built this beautiful temple to house your radiance! 
    He has placed his throne upon your dais! 
    The Exaltation of Inanna: Opening Lines and Excerpts
    Nin-me-šara by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    Lady of all divine powers! 
    Lady of the resplendent light! 
    Righteous Lady adorned in heavenly radiance! 
    Beloved Lady of An and Uraš! 
    Hierodule of An, sun-adorned and bejeweled! 
    Heaven's Mistress with the holy diadem, 
    Who loves the beautiful headdress befitting the office of her own high priestess! 
    Powerful Mistress, seizer of the seven divine powers! 
    My Heavenly Lady, guardian of the seven divine powers! 
    You have seized the seven divine powers! 
    You hold the divine powers in your hand! 
    You have gathered together the seven divine powers! 
    You have clasped the divine powers to your breast! 
    You have flooded the valleys with venom, like a viper; 
    all vegetation vanishes when you thunder like Iškur! 
    You have caused the mountains to flood the valleys! 
    When you roar like that, nothing on earth can withstand you! 
    Like a flood descending on floodplains, O Powerful One, you will teach foreigners to fear Inanna! 
    You have given wings to the storm, O Beloved of Enlil! 
    The storms do your bidding, blasting the unbelievers! 
    Foreign cities cower at the chaos You cause! 
    Entire countries cower in dread of Your deadly South Wind! 
    Men cower before you in their anguished implications, 
    raising their pitiful outcries, 
    weeping and wailing, beseeching Your benevolence with many wild lamentations! 
    But in the van of battle, everything falls before You, O Mighty Queen! 
    My Queen, 
    You are all-conquering, all-devouring! 
    You continue Your attacks like relentless storms! 
    You howl louder than the howling storms! 
    You thunder louder than Iškur! 
    You moan louder than the mournful winds! 
    Your feet never tire from trampling Your enemies! 
    You produce much wailing on the lyres of lamentations! 
    My Queen, 
    all the Anunna, the mightiest Gods, 
    fled before Your approach like fluttering bats! 
    They could not stand in Your awesome Presence
    nor behold Your awesome Visage! 
    Who can soothe Your infuriated heart? 
    Your baleful heart is beyond being soothed! 
    Uncontrollable Wild Cow, elder daughter of Sin, 
    O Majestic Queen, greater than An, 
    who has ever paid You enough homage? 
    O Life-Giving Goddess, possessor of all powers, 
    Inanna the Exalted! 
    Merciful, Live-Giving Mother! 
    Inanna, the Radiant of Heart! 
    I have exalted You in accordance with Your power! 
    I have bowed before You in my holy garb, 
    I the En, I Enheduanna! 
    Carrying my masab-basket, I once entered and uttered my joyous chants...
    But now I no longer dwell in Your sanctuary.
    The sun rose and scorched me.
    Night fell and the South Wind overwhelmed me.
    My laughter was stilled and my honey-sweet voice grew strident.
    My joy became dust.
    O Sin, King of Heaven, how bitter my fate! 
    To An, I declared: An will deliver me! 
    I declared it to An: He will deliver me! 
    But now the kingship of heaven has been seized by Inanna, 
    at Whose feet the floodplains lie.
    Inanna the Exalted, 
    who has made me tremble together with all Ur! 
    Stay Her anger, or let Her heart be soothed by my supplications! 
    I, Enheduanna will offer my supplications to Inanna, 
    my tears flowing like sweet intoxicants! 
    Yes, I will proffer my tears and my prayers to the Holy Inanna, 
    I will greet Her in peace...
    O My Queen, I have exalted You, 
    Who alone are worthy to be exalted! 
    O My Queen, Beloved of An, 
    I have laid out Your daises, 
    set fire to the coals, 
    conducted the rites, 
    prepared Your nuptial chamber.
    Now may Your heart embrace me! 
    These are my innovations, 
    O Mighty Queen, that I made for You! 
    What I composed for You by the dark of night, 
    The cantor will chant by day.
    Now Inanna's heart has been restored, 
    and the day became favorable to Her.
    Clothed in beauty, radiant with joy, 
    she carried herself like the elegant moonlight.
    Now to the Noble Hierodule, 
    to the Wrecker of foreign lands
    presented by An with the seven divine powers, 
    and to my Queen garbed in the radiance of heaven...
    O Inanna, praise! 
    Temple Hymn 7: an Excerpt
    to the Kesh Temple of Ninhursag
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    O, high-situated Kesh, 
    form-shifting summit, 
    inspiring fear like a venomous viper! 
    O, Lady of the Mountains, 
    Ninhursag's house was constructed on a terrifying site! 
    O, Kesh, like holy Aratta: your womb dark and deep, 
    your walls high-towering and imposing! 
    O, great lion of the wildlands stalking the high plains! ...
    Temple Hymn 17: an Excerpt
    to the Badtibira Temple of Dumuzi
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    O, house of jeweled lapis illuminating the radiant bed
    in the peace-inducing palace of our Lady of the Steppe! 
    Temple Hymn 22: an Excerpt
    to the Sirara Temple of Nanshe
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    O, house, you wild cow! 
    Made to conjure signs of the Divine! 
    You arise, beautiful to behold, 
    bedecked for your Mistress! 
    Temple Hymn 26: an Excerpt
    to the Zabalam Temple of Inanna
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    O house illuminated by beams of bright light, 
    dressed in shimmering stone jewels, 
    awakening the world to awe! 
    Temple Hymn 42: an Excerpt
    to the Eresh Temple of Nisaba
    by Enheduanna
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    O, house of brilliant stars
    bright with lapis stones, 
    you illuminate all lands! 
    The person who put this tablet together
    is Enheduanna.
    My king: something never created before, 
    did she not give birth to it? 
    Villanelle: Hangovers
    by Michael R. Burch
    We forget that, before we were born, 
    our parents had 'lives' of their own, 
    ran drunk in the streets, or half-stoned.
    Yes, our parents had lives of their own
    until we were born; then, undone, 
    they were buying their parents gravestones
    and finding gray hairs of their own
    (because we were born lacking some
    of their curious habits, but soon
    would certainly get them) . Half-stoned, 
    we watched them dig graves of their own.
    Their lives would be over too soon
    for their curious habits to bloom
    in us (though our children were born
    nine months from that night on the town
    when, punch-drunk in the streets or half-stoned, 
    we first proved we had lives of our own) .
    Happily Never After (the Second Curse of the Horny Toad)  
    by Michael R. Burch
    He did not think of love of Her at all
    frog-plangent nights, as moons engoldened roads
    through crumbling stonewalled provinces, where toads
    (nee princes)   ruled in chinks and grew so small
    at last to be invisible. He smiled
    (the fables erred so curiously) , and thought
    bemusedly of being reconciled
    to human flesh, because his heart was not
    incapable of love, but, being cursed
    a second time, could only love a toad's...
    and listened as inflated frogs rehearsed
    cheekbulging tales of anguish from green moats...
    and thought of her soft croak, her skin fine-warted, 
    his anemic flesh, and how true love was thwarted.
    by Michael R. Burch
    Now I am here
    and thoughts of my past mistakes are my brethren.
    I am withering
    and the sweetness of your memory is like a tear.
    Go, if you will, 
    for the ache in my heart is its hollowness
    and the flaw in my soul is its shallowness; 
    there is nothing to fill.
    Take what you can; 
    I have nothing left.
    And when you are gone, I will be bereft, 
    the husk of a man.
    Or stay here awhile.
    My heart cannot bear the night, or these dreams.
    Your face is a ghost, though paler, it seems
    when you smile.
    Have I been too long at the fair? 
    by Michael R. Burch
    Have I been too long at the fair? 
    The summer has faded, 
    the leaves have turned brown; 
    the Ferris wheel teeters...
    not up, yet not down.
    Have I been too long at the fair? 
    Her Preference
    by Michael R. Burch
    Not for her the pale incandescence of dreams, 
    the warm glow of imagination, 
    the hushed whispers of possibility, 
    or frail, blossoming hope.
    No, she prefers the anguish and screams
    of bitter condemnation, 
    the hissing of hostility, 
    damnation's rope.
    hey pete
    by Michael R. Burch
    for Pete Rose
    hey pete, 
    it's baseball season
    and the sun ascends the sky, 
    encouraging a schoolboy's dreams
    of winter whizzing by; 
    go out, go out and catch it, 
    put it in a jar, 
    set it on a shelf
    and then you'll be a Superstar.
    Moon Lake
    by Michael R. Burch
    Starlit recorder of summer nights, 
    what magic spell bewitches you? 
    They say that all lovers love first in the dark...
    Is it true? 
    Is it true? 
    Is it true? 
    Starry-eyed seer of all that appears
    and all that has appeared?
    What sights have you seen? 
    What dreams have you dreamed? 
    What rhetoric have you heard? 
    Is love an oration, 
    or is it a word? 
    Have you heard? 
    Have you heard? 
    Have you heard? 
    Tomb Lake
    by Michael R. Burch
    Go down to the valley
    where mockingbirds cry, 
    alone, ever lonely...
    yes, go down to die.
    And dream in your dying
    you never shall wake.
    Go down to the valley; 
    go down to Tomb Lake.
    Tomb Lake is a cauldron
    of souls such as yours?
    mad souls without meaning, 
    frail souls without force.
    Tomb Lake is a graveyard
    reserved for the dead.
    They lie in her shallows
    and sleep in her bed.
    by Michael R. Burch
    Nevermore! O, nevermore
    shall the haunts of the sea?
    the swollen tide pools
    and the dark, deserted shore?
    mark her passing again.
    And the salivating sea
    shall never kiss her lips
    nor caress her breasts and hips
    as she dreamt it did before, 
    once, lost within the uproar.
    The waves will never rape her, 
    nor take her at their leisure; 
    the sea gulls shall not have her, 
    nor could she give them pleasure...
    She sleeps forevermore.
    She sleeps forevermore, 
    a virgin save to me
    and her other lover, 
    who lurks now, safely covered
    by the restless, surging sea.
    And, yes, they sleep together, 
    but never in that way! 
    For the sea has stripped and shorn
    the one I once adored, 
    and washed her flesh away.
    He does not stroke her honey hair, 
    for she is bald, bald to the bone! 
    And how it fills my heart with glee
    to hear them sometimes cursing me
    out of the depths of the demon sea...
    their skeletal love?impossibility! 
    by Michael R. Burch
    a bitter
    ache to bear...
    once starlight
    in your hair...
    a shining there
    as brief
    as rare.
    a pain
    I chose to bear...
    the torrent
    of your hair...
    and show me
    once again?
    how rare.
    Sessiz Gemi ('Silent Ship')  
    by Yahya Kemal Beyatli
    loose translation by Nurgül Yayman and Michael R. Burch
    for the refugees
    The time to weigh anchor has come; 
    a ship departing harbor slips quietly out into the unknown, 
    cruising noiselessly, its occupants already ghosts.
    No flourished handkerchiefs acknowledge their departure; 
    the landlocked mourners stand nurturing their grief, 
    scanning the bleak horizon, their eyes blurring...
    Poor souls! Desperate hearts! But this is hardly the last ship departing! 
    There is always more pain to unload in this sorrowful life! 
    The hesitations of lovers and their belovèds are futile, 
    for they cannot know where the vanished are bound.
    Many hopes must be quenched by the distant waves, 
    since years must pass, and no one returns from this journey.
    Full Moon
    by Yahya Kemal Beyatli
    loose translation by Nurgül Yayman and Michael R. Burch
    You are so lovely
    the full moon just might
    in your rising, 
    as curious
    and bright, 
    to vanquish night.
    But what can a mortal man do, 
    but hope? 
    I'll ponder your mysteries
    and (hmmmm)   try to
    We both know
    you have every right to say no.
    The Music of the Snow
    by Yahya Kemal Beyatli
    loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
    This melody of a night lasting longer than a thousand years! 
    This music of the snow supposed to last for thousand years! 
    Sorrowful as the prayers of a secluded monastery, 
    It rises from a choir of a hundred voices! 
    As the organ's harmonies resound profoundly, 
    I share the sufferings of Slavic grief.
    Then my mind drifts far from this city, this era, 
    To the old records of Tanburi Cemil Bey.
    Now I'm suddenly overjoyed as once again I hear, 
    With the ears of my heart, the purest sounds of Istanbul! 
    Thoughts of the snow and darkness depart me; 
    I keep them at bay all night with my dreams! 
    She Was Very Strange, and Beautiful
    by Michael R. Burch
    She was very strange, and beautiful, 
    like a violet mist enshrouding hills
    before night falls
    when the hoot owl calls
    and the cricket trills
    and the envapored moon hangs low and full.
    She was very strange, in a pleasant way, 
    as the hummingbird
    flies madly still, 
    so I drank my fill
    of her every word.
    What she knew of love, she demurred to say.
    She was meant to leave, as the wind must blow, 
    as the sun must set, 
    as the rain must fall.
    Though she gave her all, 
    I had nothing left...
    yet I smiled, bereft, in her receding glow.
    The Stake
    by Michael R. Burch
    Love, the heart bets, 
    if not without regrets, 
    will still prove, in the end, 
    worth the light we expend
    mining the dark
    for an exquisite heart.
    by Michael R. Burch
    If I regret
    fire in the sunset
    exploding on the horizon, 
    then let me regret loving you.
    If I forget
    even for a moment
    that you are the only one, 
    then let me forget that the sky is blue.
    If I should yearn
    in a season of discontentment
    for the vagabond light of a companionless moon, 
    let dawn remind me that you are my sun.
    If I should burn?one moment less brightly, 
    one instant less true?
    then with wild scorching kisses, 
    inflame me, inflame me, inflame me anew.
