is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry



    A bird of fate nests in my soul on a storm-torn branch; he would spread his sick, broken wings, he would prefer to fly far away from here, where he is unable to assert himself. A strange shell-solitude surrounds me with steel claw-petals, and while I would often follow my heart's orders, I would rather soon completely turn away from the big, superficial World.

    Far away - come on! -, I hardly got there; classical philology would have been good to learn, understand, and perceive, and while my greedily thirsty mind could only have the love of books left over my head, the teacher, accuser, and student-juror passed judgment on my head. My withering memories, even the open wounds, can gradually absorb and not heal unless the one-Beloved finally finds me and feels my Sisyphusian burden.

    - It would be nice if I could finally take care of myself with a confident, self-confident mood, so that I don't realize at the end of my life that I lived in va...

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    Back to Death

    In a short time - you will see - I will become completely silent, I will be silent forever so that I can finally immerse myself in the redeeming Death... It will not be a good, settled state at best, just another intermediate, temporary separation. Blind fate will soon dry up and torture my chubby face, like a mummy's. It erases the memories of "tabula rasa" judgments and tragedies I've suffered through, wasted loves, from my brooding eyes. And I, after many, many years, the former Egy-Kedves will believe without reservation that I have always been his alone!

    It will not be necessary for me to prove and explain every day that it has become a necessary part of my life, like air. I can now feel that the memory of our happier, idyllic everyday lives, which we were able to spend together, and which marriage ended early, is still there in him. - Because every given, missed chance - if there was one - two chances are even the most de...

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    Don’t worry



    Heaven’s watch

    Evil Catch

    Peace and Comfort

    Pursue Faith

    Surrounding me

    The Blessing

    Lord’s Glory

    My Story

    The Spiritual Praying Hands


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    The Wait


    A Situation

    The Call

    A Circumstance

    The Follow Up

    No Response

    Four Days

    Out for Delivery

    Haven’t Received



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    The superstitious yet poisonous heat of Summer is still suffocating my panel solitude; tiny specks of dust and dirt stuck to the chassis of cars are like a cynical metaphor. It is as if a person possesses, in addition to Lack, the conscious awareness of loneliness, that the meaning of his life suddenly flies away at rocket speed and can only be dust and ashes.

    - Still ignorant, I was forced to stumble in the confused Present, where man-man, brother-brother is sold, and man-wreck offspring also behave, relate, or even position themselves as aggressive, brutal hordes of stupid idiots. When someone can be asserted, it is easy to trample them for good. I wasted my stone-heavy emotions - perhaps - frivolously, since I shared my wounded heart, so that they could be seen by stunted-brained wombat-like bon vivans, useless, squealing plaza divas.

    - I feel that this Sanda, calculating Age is no longer what it used to be, when they understood, but also thir...

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    Bad attitude

    Against joy and pain - I have known for a long time - I am stripped and defenseless! The teachers made me kneel on the ground as a child, when the others whistled Mórickás jokes in my ears. Horologically cut almond eyes, ashy Cleopatra-exoticism surrounded the Beloved when I first fell in love with him, and then more and more Jing and Yang, Alpha and Omega Angels, sinful saints came before me, and it would have been so good to search for the secret of beating hearts instead of stripped-down instinctual longing and get to know

    Ordas Times broke a gallant and merciless stick over my head, and while out there in the grotesque-absurd world, more and more fame-thirsty minute men appeared one after another - until then, the idea of ??silent messengers and prophets wanting to testify lost its validity.

    Like a knife-blade sharpened on a stone for five minutes, I also had the opportunity to make cheap people fall ingloriously on t...

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    The thorny thicket of reality might not even have to be cut down; let it prick the person where it can, so that the years of sehonna, mishaasana, intrusive do not curse him - but warn him of the call-word of complicated dreams and their meanings. To the melody of smiling echoes the golden heart-chalices have not yet answered; true! What's late, doesn't matter!

    Now the past and the present still rest on the naked captivity of summer; as if he carries around the pairs of opposites of birth-death, funeral-wedding. The root system of the Soul bleeds from several wounds at the same time, if there is no one who can serve as medicine as a helping intention; the holy leaven of proof is still ready, although its time is final. The power of mortal fractions of minutes can easily be broken here and there by a fateful tragedy, no matter how much we try to avoid our universally transgressive problems.

    Because - believe it or not - a more honest child ...

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    No matter how much I try to make you believe that you are always striving for the nobler, the better - The ruthless, brutal everyday pursuit takes you into a timeless frame. Cruel, diabolical chess games are now taking place on the tiny, mighty stage of the World, and you don't even know where your real, found place is!

    It would be nice to straighten out the labyrinths of Existence, which are often thought to be tangled, so that an irritated Minotaur does not chase you, rather you find your selfish and stubborn happiness with a Nymph. The compliments and romantic pretense that you used to believe in have become an abandoned nest in you; among the truest Angels, you can find the One-True if you dare, but - it seems - even he wasn't shy enough and left you alone.

    Deliberately taming achievable Himalayan heights, you always preferred to leave them to others, and you didn't mind if they skimmed the successes instead of you; after all, the...

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    A simplified statement

    How can we get to our innermost, hidden world, stripped to the bone, when an orphaned, crying little child whines and whines inside us and does not allow us to lie to ourselves in the mean, mean, useless way of adults?! As hunted, outcast savages, we wade through our tumultuous, warlike, stagnant life and what would have been available; the fire-flare of superstitious, flirtatious smiles, the immortal consummation of all things in love is no longer good for hiding or shelter, since it lost its budding, gracious charm a long time ago.

    Beautified, idyllic dreams chase us into airy, damp ditches, yawning ravines and piles chased into traps. Approaching, snarling wolf packs lie in wait, then stealthily and boldly attack. - We have withered into wimps for a long time! It's no longer worth fighting for useless, pointless career dreams! At the same time, we deliberately hesitate, we stumble - we are surrounded by a million changes of colors of snea...

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    The struggle

    The corruption

    The separation

    No togetherness nor love

    The battle between Good and Evil

    A defense


    Go through

    Heaven Hook up

    Skies Look up
    The need

    Piece and Comfort


    Almighty’s story

    Earthly glory



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