is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry


        Then the Night will come and if you don't take care of yourself, your feeling precious heart will turn into a gloomy darkness and bark! Your tense drumming on a pounding petal will not caress you for a living Angel's mouth, boiled into faithful kisses, and the mischievous touch of swan hands will not caress the labyrinth, complex yarn of your veins dancing with rope dancing! "The bloodthirsty Sun, proud and proud, runs above you like a hungry vampire, and people who promise roast pigeons a gift of pride when they fall ready to flee in the test of Honesty and lurk like shifty!" You should finally trust Someone, even if they are abusing the secrets of your acquaintance - even then!
        You can know the Truth about yourself if you are justified, it is still by your side; reliable so hard! - In the useless, restless depths of human hearts, a murderous Sile...

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    The Flow

    In the midst of everything,
    believe and, know a new day,
    will adorn and, flow
    Stop worrying just know,
    you must go with the flow
    He will never give you,
    more to handle, than you know
    If he does there is a lesson,
    in full flow,
    from Heaven, 
    letting you know
    Never stress just let it flow,
    as nothing is more important, 
    than life as we know
    Let the bigger picture show,
    stress must not reside, let it go
    Peace from inside will help you flow,
    give stress no place to go
    We all will have bad days,
    part of being human, as we know
    Just never let stress, 
    overtake your flow, 
    nothing is more precious,
    than life as you know.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Where is the Sun,
    away from the light,
    of the Northern hum
    Days are shorter
    Here they come,
    long cosy nights,
    Sun retracted,
    distanced, and done,
    far from the 
    Northern Hemisphere,
    Solar Sun, 
    cold of the Northern Pole
    biting at one, 
    bring on cosy nights,
    warm hum hum,
    feel free to distance, 
    warm Solar Sun

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Why does no one, see
    the mountains that inspire me...

    Why does no one, breathe
    any other fire but their own...

    Why does no one, feel
    more than their eyes allow...

    Why does no one, hear
    her, crying...
    her, dying...

    surviving, for them...
    'she' should be 'thriving'
    with them...

    "Spirit burst, sprites
    consciously, through the point

    Gaia, please...
    restrain me;
    these nameless fucks enrage me.
    Power forgotten; replaced
    a seasonless, misplaced

    *Sanity, bleeds
    too painful
    to endure...

    it's like, I spared her...
    my misery...
    obviously, I'm annoying
    but it's like...
    where the fuck did you think I was going?
    "En light, he meant", of which...

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    Relaxing with nightcap before I go to bed,
    Accompanied by images, trapped within my head,
    Travelling through a dreamland, visions of the mind,
    To old familiar places, long since left behind.
    Though I recognise them, all appear so strange,
    I look around for people, but no one is in range,
    Shadows in the distance, suggest some one is there,
    But when I move in closer, they seem to disappear.
    Sliding down a rainbow, to a land unknown,
    Greeted by a Fairy Queen, sitting on her throne,
    All seems so surreal, I know this can’t be true,
    Pixies who are friendly, offer me a brew.
    Travel to the future, things which lie ahead,
    All which I can witness, fills me full of dread,
    The earth is in destruction, their is no form of life,
    Oceans have reclaimed the land, disease is running rife.
    Step back in...

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    I will be emptied once and for all when the armored-grown Loneliness crusts in my heart and surrounds me like a snag! I will have to believe with myself again every day that they love me and can appreciate me! I have to be killer-honest even in first-to-last encounters, flirting in the superstitious stars of sparkling pairs of eyes to believe - I really am!
    Persistent and tenacious stubbornness glows like an eternal flame in me; my beating heart is a shadow of yellow cheese-moons! My body has not yet been dedicated to the romances of naked passions by the Universe! Yet the predictable uncertainty of Being binds me more and more so that I can question even after my mutual trust! "The outside world can only see the unsteady, unsteady, swaying man, even shaky!"
    They also need a covered dress for prodigal nudity, as I can’t expose myself! Many times I can’t reach anyone with self-reliance; my rib cages need...

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    I really can't explain how I'm feeling.
    Or rather the fact that I'm not feeling.
    I'm in a place where nothing I do is fulfilling,
    And everything just sounds so unappealing

    I feel like I'm lost in the abyss of nothingness
    Falling and sinking deeper into a state of numbness
    I feel like I'm being sucked into a vacuum of blackness.
    Surrounded by despair, enveloped in sadness. 

    Self examination tells me I'm okay.
    I can't find any reason why I should feel this way.
    Coz one moment I was as bright as the day,
    And the next, the sun just seemed so faraway.

    I'm freaked out, scared, terrified.
    Or I would be, but I feel only sadness inside.
    Coz in this state, its so easy to dream of suicide. 
    Deep down where depression resides.



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    No answers

        … They hear less and less! I lie beneath cell depths and like a crusty Pearl of Truth — shards of glass of unspoken Truths tremble in my heart; Doubt also hurts my face, smiles and grimaces! And treading jerks love to tread on my operated leg! My pouring vulnerability freezes in myself, which I still have no experience with, and I can hardly tolerate the fact that the wretched Being loves to rotate the rusty knives that have been cut in me!
        For he who is stuck in his own way and lacks in fear, because he knows what to do, sins against himself; half-nailed praying eyes also look at the Savior's smiles like the gifted candy-eating snacks of a child! "The petals of my knocking, weak heart may still open for Someone, and I don't have to hide it intentionally if I don't want to escape the incisors of young chicks!"

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    Shades of joy

    The right place ,
    will never destroy your peace,
    Unfold your Wings,
    No matter it's broken,
    You can still fly with feather of faith. 
    Darkness never stay longer,
    You will find light in your wounded as lessons,
    Enjoy your shades of joy,
    They gifting us new way to live.



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    He was a miracle 
    Even though the odds, were cynical
    What a tremendous miracle 
    Star revelation, 
    crossing boundaries of cynical
    Beautiful outstanding, and, 
    courageous miracle,
    breathing, and alive,
    never be cynical,
    just believe in a miracle,
    because breath is never cynical,
    when a heart wants to beat,
    for a miracle, my son you were,
    never born for cynical, 
    only a great miracle, 
    years of life, prove never be cynical 
    optimism aids ony a miracle.


    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney

    Devoted to a special son, who was only meant to have lived, for one hour or less, or be born not alive. He was born not alive, ventilated for three weeks, then started to breathe, once the machine was switched off. Breathing, and alive for the last 26yrs. ❤
    Although he has been throug...

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