is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Blood Flow

    Red rivers of blood flows

    From the wounds upon his body 


    Left for dead


    A used sexually




    Red rivers of blood flows

    From the wounds upon his body


    Left for dead


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    White Feather

    White Feather
    Sent through the air
    Surfing in the atmosphere
    Letting us know,
    angels you are there
    Enlightenment that you care
    Protecting us, so life is fair
    divinely beautiful
    Blow angel air
    Land on me
    I know you care

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    I'm calling you...

        My dear earthly friendship is a glorified Universe! When I looked at you with hesitant, squeaking trembling after the winter-smelling aftermath of windy March idus; my incredible despair, and my selfish self-pity calvary — Intentionally you could feel yourself — if you wanted to — I didn’t go there to you! My chubby bones were rattled and crackled by the wind of the ordas: the crouching shadow on the line of my heel turned into an ugly bat wing and the peoples of the gentlemen were dressed like a leper! With ringing, friendly letters every day
        I honor you and the sure doubts continue to make you uncertain: Are you still reading at all? And your redeeming tender Gioconda pillar glows again to a noble thought and we can become Friends!
        But fearful: My life-giving, broad hope fades like ...

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    Walking through the valley
    Shadow of Death
    You will not tally
    Broomstick sweep,
    and clear the alley,
    deep within this valley
    Form a circle
    Lock it tight,
    We will sweep,
    all through the night,
    eyes focused,
    beautiful Moonlight
    Charge our circle, and
    keep it tight
    Broomsticks work,
    through the night
    Death be gone
    No longer in sight
    Never tally on
    Moonlight night,
    Special broomsticks
    Sweep so right
    Best in a circle
    That is tight
    Grim Reaper 
    Your finished, and
    Out of sight

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Sometimes I say I'm fine
    When in reality 
    I am fuing inside
    I say I'm fine
    Because I have no words
    To express what is happen


    Sometimes I say I'm fine
    I am falling apart


    Sometimes I say I'm fine 
    I feel as if I am on 
    Death's doorstep
    Waiting for that door to open
    So I may go in


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    Earl Grey

    Make a brew
    Earl Grey please
    A cup for two
    Bergamot oil
    Will subdue
    You will know,
    this unique,
    tea for two
    China cups filled with,
    black not blue
    Deary me
    Will we get through
    Yes of course
    It's tea for two
    Black, White, or possibly

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Full Moon

    When the full moon rises

    the beast within me comes out to play

    My eyes grow wide

    My nails long

    My hair gets long to


    I howl at the moon

    I howl for joy

    I howl for freedom


    I run

    a hunting savage I am

    chasing my prey through the night

    I run

    feeling the wind rush by as I go


    All through the night



    Freedom at it's finest


    In the morning

    The sun rises

    I return to myself once more

    The nights adventure as ended



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    While you watched and threw your dice

    Wondering about my life

    Rolling your eyes at my tireless efforts

    Epic strife

    Always believing Christ is bigger than Cash

    Publically beaten striken by the paid wicked

    Thinking the Devil would have eventual say


    Reign over all

    You have it wrong I stand and say

    Lineage and line Align

    Our Father in Heaven bestowed in my chest

    Has been oh to patient 

    While you mock and jest

    I pray with him for the warriors hoping to win

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    The oldest night

    The oldest night


    The seeming same under heavens sparkling tent,

    passing transparent grays when moonlight went.

    Mental aggregation from that pain of deep,

    when all could be perfect with some needed sleep.

    Unpredictable tincture when unknown one self embrace,

    myriads of senses painting some speculated place.

    Same but not same from subtle melodies of haze,

    memories in different light play mental amazed.

    Is that the prophesy to shift that light to shade,

    or is madness a soft color weaving a parade.

    Smiting faces in facets laughing by fraction in time,

    loving affection needed as promised everlasting prime.

    Shrouds of shivering sensations quickly manifold,

    pouncing adrenalin pushing the heart so bold.

    Ecstasies of psychic destruction in vain,

    fears not recognized pushing some catalyst again.

    So many death...

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    Pilgrim pain

        Shame-weeping precious sorrows are embodied in the tear-battered trenches of my eyes! Annihilated Figure withered between the treasure chunks of dwindling sunbeams - I find myself less and less! Hiss has an abundant alley-scented, ominous Tomorrow in which snake-tongued weeds and hyena hear a killer-marching laugh! The far-gliding count of rich minutes is busy on the dial of the tick-clog clock!
        My bed - if I don’t care - will be embedded in a bottomless abyss for me! - Fattened by the noises of Darius, this great World of Indifference is puffing: my heart is becoming more and more lonely! Grumbling, annoying, "some" temper swearers scare me at whom Literature has become a useless useless thing! That's why I'm deliberately running behind my pilgrimage walls! Her lung-pumping lung pumps rattle a expelled Silence! Midnight Wraith Shadows Evil D...

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