is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    My Family

    A curious boy

    Walks on street

    Asking his father

    What're those, What're these

    His mother, holds his hand

    With her gentle smile

    And his sister says with a sigh

    "Oh God, from where these questions

    come in his mind."


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    My Inspiration

    Your story is much like mine

    But you write better than I,

    And this inspire me to give another try

    Instead of saying "I can't", a lie.


    You inspire me to spread my wings

    Into the endless most beautiful sky,

    To do what I like

    Arranging words in rhyme


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    My Soul

    For three years, I am searching for the scroll

    That can tell me about my soul

    Where will it go when I will die?

    How it makes me alive?

    I want to find the origin and the end

    And find why is it send

    To take birth as me in this world of lives?

    Is there something waiting for me to thrive?


    What I think about my soul,

    Is it should have some magical role

    As they said, it never born nor die

    And it's something my inside

    But what I find wrong is it's not like a burning flame

    Nor it can play any supernatural game

    It's me but not my physical state

    It's more than what they had said.


    The concept of soul is very old

    It is the difference between heat and cold

    Years ago our ancestors demand

    'Isn't we all, Living or defunct

    are made from the eleme...

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    Person born on my birth date

    I am sitting

    My chin resting on my fist

    As I'm sad

    I not share my birthday with

    Someone who had inspired the world

    By his work and his skills.


    "What happened?" my father asked

    As I told, he just laugh

    "I know the one," he said

    And placed a mirror, to show me my face.


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    Street wanderer

    I see him everyday, on a broken pieces of mirror

    His pale face, body thin, Eyes sink in tears.

    Cry of his belly and brain, is all he could hear

    Carrying the weight of his shattered dream

    His heart beats in the fear

    Will he ever overcome

    From this enduring nightmare.

    Will someday he can see himself

    As he had wish to appear?

    Lost in these thoughts, every now and then

    He moves here to there

    So the passengers, passing on the street

    Called him, 'The Street wanderer'.


    Sometimes he dives into his memories

    Remembering how he had come here

    Remembering that once he had his loving parents

    His friends, his relatives, all were there

    But he left the home and brought himself alone

    To do something for which the world can cheer

    And as you can see, he reached nowhere

    Shedding his...

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    Frozen Lake

    Standing on the frozen lake

    Build on my mistakes

    Or situations that life plunked on me

    Unbearable to take


    And look on these spikes

    Of grief as frozen ice

    That filled the land of heart

    Until I cry

    Until I cry



    [Your heart is size of fist

    And if you hold tears in it

    They get compress and compress

    And make the frozen lake]


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    The Sand Castle

    It takes me an hour or two

    To prepare my castle through

    the sand on beach

    Better than my reach


    When I complete in

    I Stand on the shore

    Admiring Castle's beauty

    More and more


    But suddenly, the wave arrive

    And sweep the Castle

    in single strike

    Leaving me to cry and cry.


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    Forest of Thorn

    I was here, in this dark wood

    To find the treasure, I believed I could

    But after wandering for years alone

    In this forest of thorn

    Under the sky, whose color so deep

    I cannot further hold my weep


    Is there anyone to help

    Please tell

    Can I cross this cruel forest

    Or by coming here, I become a bonehead


    'cuz if "or" is true,

    I want to die

    As I cannot handle a hope

    That will become a lie


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    What's Inside me?

    Which Road Should I take

    that leads me to the place

    where I can fulfill my Destiny

    where I can find,

    What's inside me?


    What work should I do?

    For which I born to

    What will please the hunger inside me?

    What is my success key?

    What's inside me?


    Countless stars glitters in the Sky

    in this darkest night

    But which of them will be the Sun

    That make me Enlight?


    I want to know

    stand out of Row

    To find the true me

    And find,

    What's inside me?


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    In naked eyes


    Look! Someone cast stars from the naked eyes: In almond eyes, only two buttons were lit; two globes, falling comets. It was as if sweet emperor crumbs, rich peanut butter bread fragments had been swept off the sculptural face by the hand, which holds a broken vulnerability! Long intoxicating moments were attached to you and I thought the Universe was crazy - then upset. Foolishly, I let myself be led as a puppet, even though I should have just followed the higher law of emotion: The ancestral word of my heart!

    Did you want us to talk? Honestly, clearly ?! "But there is a stenciled 'who feels'," somehow slipped the connecting clutch word, you stole the redemptive shelter among your other arms, while I just crawled after you like a hissing bear cub crying like a stanza, confessing my confession: I loved you!

    My twist has just opened, because until then I had no i...

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