is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Vote Joe

    He just gave a great talk at a townhall,
    "our country needs healing to restore
    our great union from the chaos 
    and sowing of seeds of division
    by the current administration."


    While love can't drive out it's opposite,
    because love's not a physical force
    like what those who abuse use, is,
    it can enlighten others to not fall for
    mercenaries for more and their tricks.


    "Murphy's law's if something can go wrong it will".   
    It became, 'if Murphy can f something up he will', 
    then, 'Murphy's going to f everything up'. 
    'An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure'.
    Our nation needs him, vote early, help GOTV, please.


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    Under The Mistletoe

    No barbs held,
    bards hushed,
    bars holding,
    holds barred.

    Freedom ringing
    in a New-Year,
    new relationship,
    with a kiss.



    the last




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    'The Convolution's Pathological Lying Is Perfect' Or Not?

    Why 'not', last week, there was a new record
    of new covid cases in a day, 83,000,
    1000 died that day.  Rump said,
    "it's not killing many people,
    just elderly, we're rounding the corner,
    it'll end soon", outrageous,
    and he's lost the elderly vote.


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    once more to the breach, '...we(e),...' do beseech

    Of what poetic alchemy does this leaden torch
    transmute to golden lines, ear whisperings?
    Do our hearts not skip a beat when the comfortable
    silence that is part of our poem's melody's weave,
    within its tapestry, are placed just so?
    Is it not a pointless point, my pen's unending one
    does alight upon, for reading isn't hearing?
    Is not a twig of poetree, earthen, sun sparked,
    skybound, too true to expound?
    And when our heart gestures
    bleeding ink lines that dance,
    engraving such imagery in a mind's eye,
    feelings within a breast, bemusing the ear,
    do they not accompany
    in the Sphere's choreography?
    Is nature not awoke
    when bards extemporaneously
    evoke such wonder that co-creation
    of the Cosmos is quickened?
    "Ya got me!", a listener asserts
    dismissively, as the audience laughs.


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    Midnight on Doomsday's Clock, Half-full Glass of OJ Awaits

    "We're waking up, Yes it's clear, We're waking up, Dawn's
    here, Feel the searing heat of Heightened consciousness
    Feel yearning for, Peace and happiness", evolving.


    Realize evolution's defining power as
    life, growth, consciousness, realizing spirit's flight's
    potential, dispel the not-see definition


    of it as control through to extinction, earth's death.
    GOP's sending special force to polling places to burn
    mailed in ballots, intimidate voters, for naught.


    Young poll workers stepped up, criminally insane's
    time's up, fear doesn't exist, we're alival, ne'er
    survival, our grandkids will live, scythe, shiv won't.


    Civic responsibility, vote duty, is
    being exercised, it's Siamese twin sister,
    freedom, will exist, only if you early vote.


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    C'est La Unvie, No?

    A million monarchs lie dead, though,
    no less sociological programming of
    upper-middle to rich classes with
    decadence, affluence, inclusion, is.
    No less societal determination of
    middle to lower, being excluded by
    division and conquering, privation.


    Yet, they, on wing no more, still fly in 
    our spirit's eye, heal humanity's heart. 
    While their silent cry echoes
    the 33,000 species extant each year,
    a rate not seen since the last ice-age
    ensued, does it move you?
    Does your curiosity ask why?


    Will you, on this 33rd Earth Day, allow
    a tear for all life's fallen?  Consider
    the losses economic apartheid incurs,
    mirrored by the divide human-centricity
    has levied?  Our underlying duplicitous
    disregard for life, avarice and oil fueled,
    won't abate for our existence, will you?


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    Inspiring, Biden's Campaign Rises, Uplifts

    While Rump continues to refuse to use the DPA to nationalize 
    the production and distribution of effective testing and PPEs, 
    which would save taxpayers 100's of billions of dollars over-
    spent on gouged prices, and 100's of thousands of their lives,
    he continues to preach his 'corona schmorona' policies at his
    super-spreader of disease rallies, exterminating republicans.


    They say, 'time is longer than twine', and 'to err is human, 
    to forgive, divine'.  It's unforgiveable, n'er forgettable.  
    Yet, Joe's persistent perseverance in reminding our nation who 
    "..we(e),.." are and can be, not just life, relation in motion, 
    being evoking art, and illimitable potential, indivisible as 
    life, growing communally, yet also citizens of a great Union.


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    8-6-45's nuclear, 'little boy', dropped on Hiroshima

    Ten thousand eyes aghast, 

    mushroom cloud's beauty twists, 

    ten times more turned to ash.


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    Just So Much Accumulated Stuff (2003, Revised 2020)

    All things considered

    It was only the sum of a room,

    Just so much accumulated stuff.


    Once, I began to fall in love with a man.

    But it was the story his room told,

    The sum of his things, which cemented it.


    Yet, he could not maintain that worth.

    His values were paper-thin

    And the objects in his room told lies.


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    Disillusioned people

    Disillusioned people in a disillusioned world,

    Run by corporations, where corruption is unfurled,

    Evil megalomaniacs dealing in sleaze,

    Welcome to a world of political unease.


    Conjuring deceptions, lies to which he swore,

    Blair committed treachery, by taking us to war,

    Demanding teenage conscripts, fight on foreign soil,

    Whilst ignoring all attrocities, of nations without oil.


    Corruption is rife in the corridors of power

    The cloistered halls of Whitehall, where all scoundrels cower,

    Faceless politicians, there to air our views,

    Feeding from the profits, of the power they abuse.


    That fateful night in Paris, where Diana lost her life,

    Was it accidental, or the murder of a wife,

    Questions go unanswered, facts remain unheard,

    Disillusioned people ... in a disillusioned world....

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