is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Never meant to be

    Perhaps, we were never meant to be.. May be you and I were destined to meet and become strangers again.

    A love story with no beginning and no end, still causing a lot of pain.


    Your presence did inflame the love in me but now your absence like a sudden rain, dampens my heart. 

    I guess this is how we are meant to be apart. 


    •  Grayce

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    Mary Magdalena

    Painted by many masters of distinction throughout history,

    displayed in Museums and Cathedrals with touches of mystery.

    In agony and sorrowful tears or in blissful prayers,

    the woman with Christ by biblical affairs.

    Saint patron of cruel Dominicans and prostitutes,

    witness of the his resurrection and crucifix prosecutes.

    Apparently also mother of his child and lover,

    when she had to flee Galilee for no one will discover.

    Relics suppose to proof that dust of gold,

    holy matrimonies for pilgrimages forever sold.

    Her Image in many sculptures as the ultimate devotion,

    tears of sorrows and transcended bleeding heart notion.

    The woman that anoints Jesus feet and being a disciple,

    representing the spiritual love as the feminine part of Bible.

    She had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities,

    because Christ empowered woman in his ministries....

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    You will not change me

    You hate me
    I love you
    You despise me
    I love you


    You want to see me


    I want to see you
    Be built up


    You try and you try to bring me down
    You can't change me
    No matter how hard you try
    I am still who I am 
    And nothing you say or do will change that
    That's right NOTHING


    Go ahead do your worst
    It will do you no good


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    The awaited desire

    As I'm drowning into my bed, trying to bury myself way under 
    Thirsting to surrender
     Whereas fearful of Gehenna
     I wonder will it ever be a happily ever after
     Just like snow white,
     and all the fairytales I recall and remember
    I wonder, would the reality ever be alluring as the fantasies I engender,
     or at least bearable to live the day after with no sorrows, or agonizing horror
     a reality where my Innards could dance freely,
     reckless of whatever could swing, or muddle the living funeral clutter,
    wobbling the big day, in the white eerie attire,
    we waft up fiercely to the cupidity we've been longing for,
    sense even the laughter had laid a guilt trip on the sore, attentive morrow
    of the living corpse that lacked the braveness to shut it all and just retire.

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    Soul hunger

     Starving for love and affection,
    For the actual connection,
    For being understood from a seem without having to mention, 
    For sensations enhanced than my mind's contention,
    Pouring into me willingly, ending all the affliction,
    Filling me up till I suffocate and can no longer experience the tension, 
    Forgetting bout it all, with no fear of it being deception, 
    So pure the intention, can not even think of an end or the inception,
    Too mesmerizing that it is almost a reflection of perfection,
    A rebellion on all of the world imperfections,
    That's all I want God,
    no longer anything but to know the direction, 
    So this miserable soul can in the...


    Feet on scale

    I love how she looks at me 
    Gazed over never blinking 
    Still filled motion
    And eyes ablaze 
    Bye bye little birdie 
    On to your next line
    And I with time
    Our feet on scales 
    A tune indifferent to hear...





    Fill the cauldron
    The mixing pot,
    ready with ingredients 
    to execute the plot
    Clearing all clutter,
    from the undeserving lot
    Full of ingredients, that will Justify the plot.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney




    Being genuine, and true
    Are skills many find
    Hard to do
    You are someone
    Who's skills are genuine,
    and you are
    Absolutely true
    Showing an attuidue of
    I can do, while being genuine
    Just like you.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney 





    The river rors next to the boat with no captin.

    The oceans waves fly free with the wind

    My dreams come and go- why can't they stay?

    With as much depth and freedom as rivers and waters.



    I wish

    I wish everyone could just understand.

    I wish I could fly away to a different land.

    I wish I could close my eyes and dream of a way out.

    I wish I would stop wishing for things that will never come true.

    Dont you?


