is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    What Are You Thinking



    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you contemplating

    The human existence

    Are you wondering down

    The pathways of the human soul

    Maybe you are

    Dreaming and scheming

    Plans for the future




    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you thinking

    About the one who broke your heart

    Smashed it to peices

    Tore it apart

    Or maybe

    Contemplating the cosmos

    And our relation to it

    Coming up with some grand theary to connect it all




    Quiet one

    What are you thinking


    Are you trying to solve

    The world's problems

    Are you thinking

    Of writting a book

    Expressing the thoughts and feelings<...

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    These Hands

    With these hands

    I’ve worked the Earth

    I’ve brought forth crops

    That have fed the hungry

    That fed the livestock


    With these hands

    I have loved

    I’ve shown great mercy

    I’ve comforted the lonely

    I’ve brought peace to the needy


    With these hands

    I’ve healed the sick

    I’ve mended the injured

    I’ve fed the hungry

    I’ve educated people


    With these hands

    I’ve built up cities

    I’ve given the homeless a home


    These hands are




    They have done their job

    They have kept up with demand

    Now it is time for rest


    These hands are old and worn

    With lots of work

    Lots of labor


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    The Voice

    I am the voice

    Of one calling for freedom

    I am the voice

    Of one shouting in the streets

    I am the voice

    Of one excited with joy

    I am the voice

    Of one without food to eat


    Voices come from everywhere

    Can you hear them

    They are calling

    They are crying

    They need to be heard


    I am the voice

    Of a farmer working in the field

    I am the voice

    Of one sick and ill

    I am the voice

    Singing a song

    I am the voice

    Just humming along


    The voice of the people

    The voice of a nation

    Sing with joy

    Or moaning with dread

    Raise your voice


    Let it be heard


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    The Virgin

    I stand before the world

    A virgin





    My knowledge of the world

    Is shallow at best

    Every mistake I make

    Every victory I have

    Brings me closer to the fullness of who I am


    The pure emotions that pour from my soul

    The great fire that burns from the depth within

    Is just an echo of life itself


    I stand before the world

    A virgin






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    Shine On My Friend

    Shine on my friend

    I will miss you

    Your laughter

    Your joy

    Your love of life

    You were one amazing person


    Shine on my friend

    Though you are gone

    You will



    be forgotten

    The memories we made together

    Will not let that happen


    Shine on my friend

    Trough you have past on

    I know you are in a better place

    You will be missed


    Though you have departed from this world

    I now you are in a much better place

    Shine on my friend


    Shine on


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    To live a life of simple ease

    To live where the corn grows

    In the blowing breeze


    To work the cows

    To plow the fields

    To bail the hay

    To bring in the yield


    Life on a farm

    Is simple and true

    From milking the cows

    To using the tools

    Life on a farm

    There is nothing like

    Working in the morn

    To bring the cows to the barn


    Life on the farm

    Is simple and clean

    Alright sometime not

    If you know what I mean

    There’s nothing else like it

    That you’ve ever known

    Life on a farm is sometimes slow


    Life on a farm

    As it is for me

    Truth of hard work


    Truth of honesty


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    Walking down life's lonely road

    All my burdens taking a toll

    I don't know if I can go on

    All seems dark and dead


    These voices in my head

    Filling my mind with dread

    The pain that fills my soul

    The pain that destroys bone


    There is no light

    All is dark in front of me

    Dread and pain

    Sarrow and rain

    All is a gloomy haze







    I feel trapped

    There is no way out

    Sadness floods in

    I drown in tears

    I drown in fears


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    Stand By Me

    Stand by me

    I am your friend

    Stand by me

    I'll walk this path with you to the end


    We are friends

    Have been all our lives

    We lean on each other for support

    In our darkest times


    We've shared joys

    Special moments in our lives

    We've watched each other's kids grow up

    To lead successful lives


    Stand by me

    I am your friend

    Stand by me


    I'll walk this path with you to the end


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    Farm Life

    Sitting underneath this tree

    Feeling the warm summer breeze

    Sitting underneath this tree

    Letting life pass me by


    I work the fields all day long

    Plowing rows and bailing hay

    Bring the cattle in

    To put them in the barn


    There is nothing

    That’s going to change my ways

    Do this a million times

    Always the same

    Do what I grew up

    Knowing how to do

    Is my way of being true


    Sweat pours down my chin

    As I go stacking wood again

    When the cattle start to roam

    I just go out and bring them back home


    When the sun sets at the day’s end

    Time to rest my back again

    Time to let life go


    The easy way


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    Do You

    Do you have the spirit to follow your dreams

    No holding back

    No slowing down


    Do you have the ability to do what it takes

    To not give up your values

    To not loose your spirit


    Do you truly understand what it means

    To give your all

    To not hold back

    To work hard


    Do you desire

    To reach your goals


    To find your gift


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