is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Dragon Rider

    I am dragon rider

    I fly through the air

    Upon the back of my winged serpent


    I am dragon rider

    Together we seek out

    To destroy our foe

    To bring justice to the unjust

    To right the wrongs

    done by evil people


    I am dragon rider

    When my winged friend and I

    take to the sky

    Evil can run

    But it can ot hide

    We will find it

    And when we do

    We will deal with it


    So evil doers

    Watch out

    Dragon rider is coming

    Justice will be served


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    We Shall Be Free

    We shall be free

    When we accept each other

    For who we are

    Not trying to tear each other down


    Yes there are differances between us

    That is just the spice of life

    What makes the human existence

    Exciting and fun


    If we were all the same

    Life would be BORING

    Nothing to jazz things up

    If we were all the same

    Life itself would be a pain


    We shall be free

    When we open up to those around us

    Instead of shuting them out

    When we can learn from each other

    Instead of hate


    Each person

    Has their own walk in life

    Let's celebrate each other's walk

    And learn what they can teach


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    I Love You





    Love with

    All my heart





    My one and only

    My true passion

    My true love


    I love you

    I will never forget you

    Though we have parted

    You will always be on my





    I love you now

    As I loved you then


    You have never left my thoughts

    Nor will you ever


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    July 4th Love

    They sit on a blanket on top of the hill

    As the fireworks display starts

    They hold hands

    Their hearts beat to

    The rhythm of the exploding fireworks

    They look into each others eyes

    The light from the bursts

    Reflect with their eyes

    They kiss

    As a heart shape


    Bursts within the night sky


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    I am Country

    I am country

    I am the dirt roads

    I am dusty fields

    I am the water running through the creek

    I am a child in the summer running barefoot in the grass

    I am the hard working farmer in the field


    I am country

    I am fireflies in the summer night sky

    I am the wild animals hiding in the woods

    I am friends and family gathering for summer time BBQs


    I am country

    I am fish swimming in the lake

    I am trees blowing in the wind

    I am the child on the swing

    I am the parent taking pictures


    I am country

    I am small town fairs

    I am small town values


    I am small town


    I am country


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    I am the Freak

    I am the freak

    Bleed me

    Destroy me

    Burn my soul if you want

    I can not change who I am

    All I wanted was a friend


    You all shun me

    You all turn away


    I am the freak


    I am human

    I have feelings

    I have emotions

    I fall in love

    So even though I am a freak

    I am not much different than you


    I am the freak

    Peirce my side

    Make me bleed in great waves

    You can destroy my body


    My spirit

    My soul

    Can not be destroyed


    I am the freak

    Though I get laghed at

    Though they throw their mud

    I still dream

    I still aspire

    To better myself

    To better those around me


    I am the freak

    You all have pointed that ou...

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    Toast To Life

    Raise your glasses

    Raise them high

    Let us drink

    A toast to life

    Don't let life get you down

    Let's laugh, joke, and pass the drinks around


    Toast to life

    In all it's ways

    Let's all drink

    Into a drunken haze

    Come on friends

    Don't let life get you down

    Let's laugh, joke,and pass the drinks around


    Life has troubles

    This is true

    I'll give you a bottle

    For a swig or two

    Come on friends

    Don't let life get you down


    Let's laugh, joke,and pass the drinks around


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    Who Am I

    Who am I

    I really don't know

    I seem to fit

    Whatever I'm told


    People keep telling me

    Who I am

    Instead of Letting me explore

    To find out for myself


    People seem to think

    I am a puppet on a string

    To dance

    To bend

    To conform

    To their way

    At the tug of a string


    Why can't they leave me alone

    Let me stretch my wings

    To let me fly

    Soar above all obstacles in my way

    Just to glide over them

    To find my true self


    I need to explore

    I need let loose all bonds

    I need to find myself



    Who am I

    I don't know

    Never had the chance to find out

    Every time I try

    Someone pulls me back

    Someone binds me in chains<...

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    Backyard Football

    Backyard football

    Is there no greater sport

    No helmets

    No uniforms

    No pads

    Just you and the Earth


    Caked with dirt

    Caked with mud

    A few cuts here and there

    That was part of the fun

    Just playing

    Just enjoying time together

    With friends

    With family

    With everyone


    Rain did not stop us

    We kept playing

    Lightning Thunder roar

    The game was the thing

    The fun

    The joy



    Rolling in the mud


    A flury or two

    We did not care

    We still played

    Storm warnings

    What were those

    We have a game to play


    Backyard football

    Is there no greater sport

    No helmets

    No uniforms

    No pads


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    Come Into the Jungle

    Come into the jungle

    The fire burns

    As the flames grow higher

    So does the beating of your heart

    As the flames grow higher

    So does that wide eye stare


    Come into the jungle

    Become one with all that is around you

    Hold nothing back

    Let yourself be free

    Let yourself trully be


    Come into the jungle

    Open yourself to your purest form

    Open yourself to the jungle dweller

    Lurking within you


    Become who you truly are


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