is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Bird mountain


    My feet are swaying to the extermination next to the bird-mountain, studded with the rivets of surgical scars, where the old forest once dreamed of an even fuller and calmer harmony, a happy fulfillment: At most a grumpy bush, if you look at me! Offended, pregnant Sisyphean gorge resumes their orphaned tears with offended clouds: Abandoned, heavenly continents. Twilight's red blood kiss is still haunted by a dying, pisla sundial!

    Semi-rich pasture, half-built concrete Atlantis — plenty. I continue to walk and take my feet, the attention that has moved far away involuntarily wanders, and it hovers here and there in the shadows of pasts: I have seen a beautifully decorated celebratory girl. There was an immortal emotion on his red lips, like a ripe and irrevocable cherry!

    But now, like me, the departing one is moving away, because he himself is certainly a conflict avoid...

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    Saviour - Creative Conceptual Photography. | Light Vision



    The state of the mind can

    cause you misery,

    The state of your mind

    is a eerie mystery.

    It plays tricks when you

    don't expect it to

    It can also confirm when

    your life is through.


    Your mind is a mystery,

    that we all do know

    And on occasions it

    can make you feel so


    You fight every day and

    each morbid night

    But the question is; will

    you win the fight?


    Some days you are okay -

    some days you are feeling


    Some days are filled

    with laughter - tha...

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    Saviour - Creative Conceptual Photography. | Light Vision



    The state of the mind can

    cause you misery,

    The state of your mind

    is a eerie mystery.

    It plays tricks when you

    don't expect it to

    It can also confirm when

    your life is through.


    Your mind is a mystery,

    that we all do know

    And on occasions it

    can make you feel so


    You fight every day and

    each morbid night

    But the question is; will

    you win the fight?


    Some days you are okay -

    some days you are feeling


    Some days are filled

    with laughter - tha...

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    Loss of personality   

     Turning inward, you just look, you don’t see yourself inward. Chasing the ring tooth of an idyllic daydream, into the memories of lived events in childhood, into an unchanging past, among the blunders of your futility; you dwell there, who can whisper to you the caressing words of your conscience!

    You see cheerful, bouncing players around you - all breaking the rules, you imagine yourself: It could be Order in the midst of clutter! And the others didn't even guess your secretly flattening helper - tell me, where did he go ?!

    You hold your individual, selfish hope to yourself, if you keep them so you cherish your emotions! Your heart trembles when you have to decide responsibly, so you ask them and what they murmur into the gaping shells of your ears, you can even decipher it, you can pour it into words like a hermit saying a message, a silent prophet in apostasy - you fight with opinions,


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    I am just stuck 
    Couldn't move on
    Neither smile...
    Imprisoned in head
    Broken in heart...
    Wanted to stay flying...
    But remains captured..
    Voice being silenced..
    Soul stays trembling..
    What am I to do..
    Nobody knows

    I don't know if any of it makes sense!!


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    Anyone can say that we should love someone not by his or her face but

    It's a sad truth that we love someone first by his or her face
    Crack the myths and be practical
                                          S. Nitin Mukesh


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    The islands is friendly, I

    know that is true

    They welcome everyone -

    from me and you.

    The ocean is blue - the

    sun is a star,

    You can walk on the

    beaches - you can

    walk so far.


    The islands have love -

    and beauty is there

    The people will say;

    hello, because they

    do all care.

    The islands of paradise -

    it's there for you to


    Once you are there -

    you shall always be



    The islands are magic -

    to the eyes, and more,

    Just laze in the sun -

    you'll soon know the


    Embrace the animals

    as they will greet you -

    They are God's creatures -

    that is so true.


    The islands of heaven,

    can always be forgiven,

    They embrace the...

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    MY BATTLE WITH MENTAL HEALTH mind plays tricks on me

    And all I want is to be se free.

    There must be a cure out there

    to grasp and embrace

    Before I make the choice to 

    leave the human race.


    One day I am okay and thinking

    what to do

    Embracing happiness but there 

    is always a big queue.

    I think all the time as my head

    is list in war

    A war of being "normal" but that

    does see afar. 


    There are lots of other people 

    who suffer just like I do

    And no one can see their suffering

    it's hidden - that is very true. 

    You always are dreading each and

    every day

    You hate life so much it only brings

    you dismay. 


    The cloud gathers round as it gr...

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    The mind plays tricks on me

    And all I want is to be se free.

    There must be a cure out there

    to grasp and embrace

    Before I make the choice to 

    leave the human race.


    One day I am okay and thinking

    what to do

    Embracing happiness but there 

    is always a big queue.

    I think all the time as my head

    is list in war

    A war of being "normal" but that

    does see afar. 


    There are lots of other people 

    who suffer just like I do

    And no one can see their suffering

    it's hidden - that is very true. 

    You always are dreading each and

    every day

    You hate life so much it only brings

    you dismay. 


    The cloud gathers round as it grips

    your soul real tight.

    But you've just had enou...

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    Clouds try to hide my shine;
    Still, it can't prevent my glow...
    Cause, I am Sun!

    Still, clouds can't prevent my light;
    It can just hide me for a while...
    Cause, I am Moon!

    Why should I stop my glow?
    Just because of an obstacle... 
    I'll burn them into ashes;
    Cause, I am human!



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