is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

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    Poems about Adam, Eve, Lucifer, Eden and the Fall by Michael R. Burch

    These are poems about Adam, Eve, Lucifer/Satan, The Garden of Eden and the Fall, written by Michael R. Burch.

    by Michael R. Burch

    Then earth was heaven too, a perfect garden.
    Apples burgeoned and shone?unplucked on sagging boughs.
    What, then, would the children eat?
    Fruit indecently sweet,
    redolent as incense, with a tempting aroma...

    by Michael R. Burch

    There was a rose, a prescient shade of crimson,
    the very color of blood,
    that bloomed in that garden.

    The most dazzling of all the Earth's flowers,
    men have forgotten it now,
    with their fanciful tales of apples and serpents.

    Beasts with lips called the goreflower "Love."

    The scribes have the story all wrong: four were there,
    four horrid dark creatures?chattering, bickering.

    Aduhm ...

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    Play On Mister Saxman

    Play on Mister Sax-man come blow your horn, red hot, cool Yet warm like the breeze after a summer storm soothing to My soul taking away my pain like the sound of the falling rain Calming my mind taking me back to another place and time When love still loved me or was I blind to it all and didn't want To see or was I stuck on stupid believing in Cupid never did I Think there could be the possibility that the one I loved just Didn't love me but no matter the fact Mister Sax-man your Melodic melodies keep me together telling the savage beast To chill as I find comfort and rest though sometimes I failed to Pass the test because the beast would still rise up but that Soundof your alluring alto sax would help me relax and get it Off my back and oh the sweet sound of that tender tenor or That sexy soprano would always be on point you always Knew the joint I needed to hear like,(There goes my baby);(I'm tired of being alone); or (I'm looking for a new love);(I'...

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    The Other Side Of Mothers Mirror

    I pray I am on the other side

    Her habits, from them I hide even as a child

    The glass it cut me

    Still I am bleeding


    On the other side


    The cuts still hurt, no matter how old or new

    How do you pick all the aplinters out?

    If I could, where do I put them?



    On the other side of mother's mirror


    They hurt so bad today and yesterday too

    Lord please help me forgive her

    You are the only one who can


    On the other side


    These memories won't stay in the back of my mind


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    Thirteen Years

    Titled "godfather of snickers"
    It all started with my 19-year old self

    eating a chocolate bar at the Food Co-Op

    of Binghamton University in 2008.


    I’m wearing a custom spray-paint T-shirt

    I had gotten at “Six Flags” for $30.

    I said “I want a Penguin with a palm tree

    AND coconuts.”  And that’s what I got.

    (Note:  not sure if the bowtie was artistic flare).


    The picture title is “godfather of snickers,”

    so I shouldn’t disagree with history

    but that would mean I bought a Snickers

    and BROUGHT it to an organic eatery.


    Now that I think about it:

    I WOULD do that.

    Back then I did what I wanted

    rarely even realizing

    if I stepp...

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    You Kiss the Sun, Promise the Moon

    Crooked steps just 
             a seconds glimpse behind.
    Perfect trail before me,
             each step toward a gift.

    Then I caught sight 
             In the distance, at a cost
    of something inside

    I saw you kiss the lips
             of the sinking Sun
    locked in burning embrace

    My steps faltered
             O' how completely I struggled
    that entire frozen moment

    And O' how the next 
             and the next

    Then the next I tasted
              betrayal so profound

    O' how my vivid light died
               I re...

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    Confessions of a Moment Worshipper


    I am a moment worshipper

    Call me crazy

    But this is what I have taken on 

    As my spiritual sustenance

    In this incredible



    I’m going to worship each moment

    Every one

    For as long as I can


    To worship is
    To attend to


    To pay my attention
    To give
    All of myself
    What little I have

    If anything
    To this moment


    I don’t know
    But why wouldn’t I?

    What else could make more sense to pay your attention to
    If it has value
    Something that can be paid for
    Then I want to get
    The most bang
    For each mental buck
    That I possibly can


    So what else would I attend to other than EVERYTHING?


    Why, oh why, would my attent...

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    don't you see the rainbows

    Don't you see the rainbows
    Up there on the wall?
    Don't you see the rainbows
    Caressing my hand?

    So many people wish to be grand
    Courageous, ready and brave
    Too many people have their daily routine
    Sticking to it like a brand

    Don't you feel that you're living
    Your life in a cage?
    Blinded by darkness, ignorance and rage

    Oh and if all the bad news on the TV screen
    Could just be zapped away
    To a channel where love could be seen

    And that all the losers
    The drunks and the loners
    Could all be fitting in

    You can twist it and turn it,
    Light the bridge and burn it,
    People get bored easily

    But whatever happens
    No matter the distance
    You'll stay in my heart close to me

    And besides all the lies
    Just look in my eyes
    And tell me the truth


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    Date Night

    We feast on the rotting corpse,

    Of the dead horse we beat,

    The words unsaid are the maggot heads,

    Stuck between are teeth.


    You screw a smile from a wincing face,

    As your stomach bile regurgitates,

    All the promising lies contaminated,

    within sour skin.


    Dont spit it out in front of me,

    Don't tell me your not hungry,

    These festering worms beneath the bones,

    Are still good to eat,

    See I've dressed it up all nice,

    Peeled lemon zest with lice,

    With spite infesting every memory,

    All crawling inbetween the lines.


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    Is this freedom?                                                                                                                                                                                                      It can't be true. - There is no freedom if you can't break through.                                                            &nb...

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    salvation for fickle heart

    You were a rainbow for my rain.
    Remedy to my pain.
    Though we have chosen to go our separate ways.
    I have returned to my self-pity cage.

    I am afraid of what it has done to me.
    I get lost in thoughts, and it is hard to get out of it.
    Sleepless nights and these red blurred eyes.
    Made me realize that you were my shining knight.

    I didn't mean the thing that I had said to you.
    Though I probably don't deserve it.
    Please forgive me and take me in with you.
    Give me a chance to make it up to you.


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    Empire of Poetry.

    Greetings peers, might I be counted amongst you nobles fair; as we establish our empire of poetry here.

    Long may your pens reign, and upon this blank, digital page, mark out a domain, that shall last for the age.

    Some of us may speak of love and law, whilst others inspired, preach of mortal men and God. Very well then, by all means, be made merry my kin. But let us establish one thing; united, a law of love that is binding, and over us nobles, sovereign.

    Thus: "In passion we shall speak, and in pride repeat; and in all that we lords proclaim; let our emotions ring true, winter-clear and sincere."

    Now point me to my throne, to claim, as I establish my empire of poetry here.


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    in my mind

    You didn't come to see me
    'cause you knew what would have happened
    You didn't come
    'cuz you knew it would have been a crime

    You don't make me yours
    Because all you are is mine
    And all you'll ever be
    Will be that burning image
    In my mind


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    Meditate to Mediate

    Meditate to mediate the spots in which there congregate a myriad of fears
    Tensions you don’t know exist but if ignored will all persist 
    Blind spots that have you caught
    Tied in a knot that time forgot
    What are you running from? 
    Where are you going? 
    With the question unasked the truth remains masked 
    Your actions compelled by a spell you did not know was cast 
    Black magic in the truest sense
    An ignored source delays defense
    These black holes in your psyche make you want to fight me 
    Their inky tendrils grip your will so tightly 
    Yet you let it smite thee
    Blindly standing idly
    So you don’t have to face
    That without a face
    The void that you avoid 
    Devoid of meaning, your psychic screening
    Has hidden any chance of wisdom gleaning 
    Annoyed, paranoid
    You’re seething, barely breathing

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    hearts of blue

    We were once on top of the world
    Now some second-class failures took our place
    I don't want to lose it all
    I haven't known you before we went to be team #1
    Their luck was my luck
    Will I now lose you too?
    Beginning again down at the ground
    I'm not accustomed to lose anymore
    For when things were slipping out of my hand
    I always caught them before they were gone
    I'm afraid my luck will be back at zero now
    But when I think right
    When they were just starting to get better
    I went right along
    My world began to turn already
    When they were still beginning
    And I knew and I felt
    Something big was before me
    I knew it one and a half years before
    That we would hit the ground running
    My team was first
    And five months later I followed suit
    Had the best time in almost two years
    And they were always there leading the way

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    all the broken hearts in the world still beat

    The beginning of the year, remembering
    Spring is coming early
    And last year's memories creep back in

    A heart that healed
    Can it break again?
    I can feel the days of when it all began

    Do the memories still live, the victories still matter?
    Starting again is a ritual that comes with the returning sun
    And this way only life becomes better

    Create a you to be proud of, fight for your need
    Be your own team and never give up
    And when you look up at the rafters just remember:
    All the broken hearts in the world still beat!


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    Am a man on my on my own,

    With a woman in my throne,

    Making changes with her tone,

    I see our world as a clone,

    Loosing her will create a zone,

    Am not here to make a game,

    Rather to make a fame,

    Stay tuned for you to claim,

    Your right as a Dame,

    So that you won't be at shame.


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    All you need is a library 📚

    All you need is a library;

    A roadmap to the real or the imaginary.

    A portal to different nations;

    All books are destinations.


    The Librarian is a tour guide,

    Infomation, she will provide.

    The index she will show you,

    to help you find Timbuktu.


    The aisles form crisscrossing roads,

    Where books lead to crossroads,

    Or scenic view points to discover:

    such lovely places to linger.


    A mysterious map to hidden treasures;

    A start to many adventures.

    New escape routes will unravel,

    To the past, present and future, you will travel. 

    Down the canyons rattles the trolley-tram,

    Beware of the book traffic jam.

    From your reverie, you shall be woken,

    But your bond will never be broken.


    All you need is a librar...

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    If I fell for You

    I walked in delusion
    To the room I was due
    There was a note
    Nothing to do

    I wanted to turn
    Around and go home
    But I didn't move
    You were alone

    I've never seen you before
    We started to talk
    We walked down the stairs
    And went for a walk

    You seemed like a nice guy
    And borrowed my matches
    I don't even smoke
    But my hands got scratches

    I looked at your face
    Perfection laid-back
    You brushed the leaves
    From my hair and back

    I was at my darkest
    You made me smile
    I had a bad day
    You made it worthwhile

    I don't want to hurt you
    I like you, it's true
    Would it be unfair
    If I fell for you?


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    She smiles so pure,

    Her dark hair falling so perfectly,

    Framing her face like a perfect image.

    She sings so softly,

    The words gliding off her tongue.

    Her eyes glisten,

    so innocent.

    But no one knows of the white lines which embroider her thighs,

    or the tears that glide from her eyes.

    She stares at a crown,

    Scuffed and broken,

    a golden husk,

    Which long ago lost its jewels and gems embed.

    She runs her fingers over jagged edges,

    Reminded of the days she would run along the castle walls,

    when the smiles came easy.

    she picks up that golden husk,

    and placed it upon her head.

    He knocks on the door.

    I smile as I see the crown on his head,

    No longer scuffed and broken,

    Once again with jewels and gems embed.



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    Decent Human ?

    Were the words that were said to me as  I was told to leave

    Always on the run fuck this heart on my sleeve




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    The Discounted Heart

    Ánchored in Reality

    Destined to be defined

    Manifesting in Lucid Tradgedy

    Reclaiming back the rewind

    Âmore is well:  the word of the day

    Abhorrently overused and tossled in such a way

    Marked by the best beast and riddled with time

    The minute hand strikes 

    Stomping this rhyme

    Çlearly this heart must be for sale

    It has been here so long

    As if swallowed by a whale

    Êxcitedly the spectators take heed 

    Provoking much dust


    He  picks up the organ 

    Rattling times discord of just

    §oulfully it speaks to the hand that gave it a hold

    I have waited here patiently

    Just li...

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    My colors

    My colors are pure and not as you try to erase

    Fed lies in discord and wretched bad taste

    You theif at the chance to claim in the sight

    Have you no understanding this game is not right

    Many have claimed to be THE ONE

    I claim and seek nothing but his WILL BE DONE

    The Knights they know and are ready to take aim

    They guard the temple, legacy and secrets all the same

    Boasting you do well thats is on you

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    Remember the lakes

    Do you remember when we visited the lakes

    just your brother, you and me,

    We went to a hotel and had coffee and cakes

    you paddled in the shallow edge of the lake

    negociating pebbles as you enjoyed your dip

    watching the water ripple

    and the sun shining onto the lake

    making it look like shimmering silver!

    you could not have been even four

    But you enjoyed it so much 

    you just wanted more! 

    Then at the hotel you pinched my tia maria

    when I went to bar to collect my coffee

    you said it was yummy and that I did fear

    Someone so little as you

    Thats not what you do!

    But we had a lovely time as I remember 

    The beautiful lakes

    I think it must have been September! 



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    Romantic Love

    A moments of sleepiness summertime The stillness is raised The love that flashes under your eyes... In a dream, in a mad valley I am not alone...... Every night, Every morning, Every afternoon I sing with goddess of my love.... This is a one of the finest vowels in romantic opera, Every nod reads the unborn love to you and me The moon light is flowing, and the bosom get dampen... maiden hands emerge in naked cloud .. frenzied embrace of her delicate body. In a dream, in a mad valley ... I am not alone oh.... my Goddess of love Forever together One love One illusion ... come on sink into this swing with me.......

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