is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Poetry

    The Man with Hole on His Hands

    you are my dark matter
    my atomless substructure
    inside the void of light hater

    but you are the old man and the sea
    a desire to be individually free
    you are my forgotten vow, my shortest forever
    yet everything becomes more beautiful now
    since I'm loving Someone better


    I am the sin that made you fall
    The Myth; Love, forgave us

    and even now when we forgot one prayer
    my knees and yours just won't stop the bends...
    it's the only reason we can know that mythical Someone better :
    The Man with Hole on His Hands


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    serpent    crafted    with   billions   of    scales   of    human swears
    brother  of  Behemoth;  carrying  mountains  of  envy  on   its  back
    together they will rain down earthquakes and pillars  and jingle hells
    spreading  diamond dust  that rots  inside  the  flesh  of  your  neck
    for   all    the   glutton-f­ish      that   you   eat       shall   be   poisons
    threatens   every­   hedonist,     burned   with     agonizing   pardons


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    Interaction string

        When the Hangman Time opens over our lives; we raise our inverted palms to the sky! Wounded sunset flies in our eyes alive! For the Great Crossing - perhaps - everything is given, only we are more hesitantly half-nailed, unprepared! We can only rush towards the liberated Nothing with reservations! "The congested waves of this Being are ready to clash over our heads again - we can hardly cling to the created soul around us!"
        There are still days of crypt when the gaping gaps beneath our feet rise with open mouths with their half-nasty-pathetic Will: "Jump down!" "And we're just wasting Death-frozen in one place, because the excited adrenaline isn't enough for us to accomplish the Deed!" The silent Infinite can only be felt by one who stops in Time himself and wakes him up with a wolf's eye and a karakan!

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    Traveler of desert

    On a corner of the life of ignorance
    Roaming for a short while
    The pain of getting or not-getting
    It is filled with depressed mind.

    With what hope built the house
    No one there near or far
    For what the mind is waiting
    Nobody is there for own.

    All are unknown in the extend of vastness
    Traveler of desert
    The feeling of not getting anywhere.


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    My Paterfamilias

    I was humbly and hungrily 

    Waiting for a day like this,

    To see joy sparkling everywhere

    In my heart.

    And never thought of being angry

    For waiting too long

    For a day like this.


    I was always thirsty 

    To drink the cup of love

    Fed to me by my pater

    I was always longing to have love,

    Boldly written in capital letters 

    And printed in my heart 

    With the color of love

    By my pater 


    There I have today 

    That will always promise me

    A happy tomorrow.

    For I have been fed 

    to the fullest.

    By the man that

    Never missed any chance 

    To break an egg

    And make me a being

    In the womb of my carrier 

    Thank you Amor

    For this everlasting day of joy



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    Endure in the challenge

    It’s being determined in leverage

    Endurance in pouring strength

    Being devoted at every length

    Climb Up Climb Up

    Think on the Mountain Top

    Pausing only for a moment

    Courage established

    Committed to do it

    Preparation for the task

    It won’t be easy, and certainly no dash

    But your mission will be clear

    Ruled out will be fear

    Go tell it on that Mountain

    The energy like a flowing fountain

    The voice of conquest in echoing out

    Your emotion that will be moving about

    Mountain high and wide, I am devoted to reside



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    Dreams through nightmares

    Imagination as it appears

    Water is to drink

    The mind accelerates on think

    Value of time seen through a clock and watch

    Baseball is too catch

    Movement through various wheeling modes

    It’s transportation around the globe

    A Stagecoach being a long distance bus

    From chair to couch

    To hit and say ouch

    From Radio to TV

    To Technology being a new wave to see

    To worship being a church

    Education to higher learning

    Career being a salary earning

    Teach being taught

    A Tugboat to Cruise ship

    Laugh is to Joke

    Sentences and words being what is spoke

    Hearing while be heard

    Combinations in all different ways

    That’s all for today




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    my place

    Looking up to the stars in the dark summer night sky
    My heart is torn and I wonder why
    But in secret whispers it tells me the truth
    For the stars outside know that my place is with You


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    so be it ∞ ginesthoi

    If I could share just one poem with you
    Tell you my wishes, my dreams and my secrets
    Read letters and quotes by Shakespeare to you
    Confess my devotion by the words 'yes, I do'
    Forever to love you, the one I would die with
    My life would be saved, and I'll say 'so be it'


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    If I could be close to you
    If my biggest dream came true
    I would never leave your side
    My heart would be filled with pride

    If we could always be together
    If my world turned to the better
    I would laugh and cry for joy
    Never treat you like a toy

    If you came and told me to
    I'd do all you want me to
    If you asked me for a dance
    I would gladly take the chance

    And if we would share one life
    We'd forever be alive
    United both in just one heart
    Loving life and never part


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