is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Hey funny man

    Hey funny man
    Up there dancing and clowning around 
    Hey funny man
    With painted face, baggy clothes, and large shoes


    When the show's over
    The makeup and the costume removed
    The person the audience doesn't see


    A man of deep sparrow
    A man of gloom
    A past that haunts him
    Sadness and doom


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    Caterpillar stuffed with leaves
    Shed your skin,
    come out from within
    Butterflies all around
    fluttering lightly,
    to every sound
    Colours bright, and bold
    Protective casing sold
    Roaming free
    From the mould,
    no constraints
    Clearly sold.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Know that your,
    pain was not in vain
    When others make,
    you feel, hurt, and pain
    Integrity will leave a
    lasting name
    they cause pain, but
    Know they have, 
    no gain
    You are the one,
    that is pure, and
    sane, let integrity 
    Pour like rain.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Window of dreams

    The visions beyond the enduring crisp of firmament,

    wishes of ideal and escape into mental decadent.

    Dreaming vacancies to the holy sane,

    loving aspiration forever by gratitude of reign.

    Childhoods play and magical thought wonderland,

    where the impossible is the golden rule to understand.

    Enchanted places and many self that only oneself really knows,

    myriad of creatures in foreign worlds with all its bestows.

    Wonder of heroic wealth by its absolute power trace,

    image simulation molded and caught in transcendental space.

    The dream weaver holds the levitating rotating globe at hand,

    destinies favorite muse conducting with the magical wand.

    The law of loves beauty in its own delicate retrospect,

    never looses its enchanting wonder and surprise effect.

    The cas...

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    Uninvited nest loader      

        I didn't want to speak to a camp of non-flatterers, but he was brainwashed in the ditch pit of this Age to someone who was open-
        With a spirit, he still understands acceptingly! In his earthly living rooms, I could well have found a heart-warming true home; as a vagrant, unfaithful stuffing Tolerating the Occupation of Executioner-Time Times - because I am forced to - still endure! Celebrity-chasing celebrity chopsticks flattered to each other from late dawn to sober nights! With uncovered breasts, yet in armor-armed Solitude, I will stand among you! And I am forced to endure the blunders of my prodigal misfortune with charlatan smiles!
        Today, rat souls are either glorified by others in a proclaiming loudness, or are galloping! As insidious servants of nothing, they began to viscerate the base of our eas...

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    Love is like a flame in your heart
    Passion is the fuel that make the flame go


    Do what you love
    Do it with passion
    Warm this cold world
    With the growing fire within you


    Do what you love
    Do it with passion 
    Shire bright within this dark world
    With the fire that burns within you


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    Only asks that,
    you be happy
    No material things
    Inner soul brings,
    happiness into, 
    many things
    Detached mind
    Peace you will find,
    when you leave,
    the craving cycle,
    out of the mind.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    The walls that surround mt heart

    Have been there a long time

    The coldness of the world

    Have built those walls


    The walls the surround my heart

    were built stone by stone

    were built brick by brick

    Hateful words

    Hateful stares

    have helped build those walls


    The walls that surround my heart


    Is the mortar that holds the walls together

    Icy looks and glares

    Freezing the mortar tight


    The wall that surround my heart

    Close in 

    Trapping me in

    All I want to do is to die


    The walls that surround my heart

    An emotional cage

    A prison

    Death waiting to happen


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    Celestial November


    Illuminated stardust sculptured by zodiac’s interpretation,

    facets of planets by retrograde motion, back in past station.

    The same conjunction like the beginning of the year,

    very destructive energies been observed very clear.

    The winter solstice set the mark for facing similar obstacles,

    blessings from the morning star, that provides the liberation miracle.

    Warriors constitution mislead from false fears,

    wondrous purest faith and river of conducted tears.

    Distrust from false honor providing the useful lie,

    restrictive forces will be the evidence to obey.

    Too many speculations lost under to many masks,

    transformation of psycho into a discipline tasks.

    Indulgence and waste as proof of ever grown to deserve,

    compassion is the illumination from that star point reserve.

    Celestial stations are the point of change, for all must ...

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    Celestial November


    Illuminated stardust sculptured by zodiac’s interpretation,

    facets of planets by retrograde motion, back in past station.

    The same conjunction like the beginning of the year,

    very destructive energies been observed very clear.

    The winter solstice set the mark for facing similar obstacles,

    blessings from the morning star, that provides the liberation miracle.

    Warriors constitution mislead from false fears,

    wondrous purest faith and river of conducted tears.

    Distrust from false honor providing the useful lie,

    restrictive forces will be the evidence to obey.

    Too many speculations lost under to many masks,

    transformation of psycho into a discipline tasks.

    Indulgence and waste as proof of ever grown to deserve,

    compassion is the illumination from that star point reserve.

    Celestial stations are the point of change, for all must ...

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