is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry



    Every editor,  news reporter,  author has a duty  sacred to perform. 

    Leaving aside their personal views, adhere they must to  norms.

    With ego, selfishness,  greed, one cannot a  publication form.

    If we write n publish what for the community or environment is good;

    The end result will automatically be positive n good 

    If avoid clashes we n inculcate unity, results will be damn good.

    Armin Dutia Motashaw


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    The Measure

    How do you measure

    What can't be seen

    The heart of a man

    The in of between

    The conscience that follows

    When something's done wrong

    How do you measure

    The depth of a poem


    How do you measure

    The day you must face

    If it's taken for granted

    If it's given in grace

    Or measure a seed

    That has yet to show growth

    How do you measure

    What you do not know


    How do you measure

    The hour before late

    The width of a shoulder

    Where a tear is laid

    The inkling of an idea

    The moment it's made

    How do you measure

    Love before it's given away


    How do you measure

    The chill of the wind

    The guilt of the pleasure

    That comes from within

    The sliver of light


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    I Missed That What Can I read it Again..

    I Missed that What'd It say!
    I missed something important at this moment..
    I missed it cause I didn't make time for it.
    I missed out on some poetic info.
    Why didn't I make time to read it Yo!
    Well it was a little too long,
    see I had to hurry on..
    I didn't come to stay too long.
    I assumed I'd read those posted poems another day.
    But I could have used it today, needless to say.
    I started to read but see my brain got all twisted.
    Scribble scrambled and so I dismissed it.
    Never knew later I could have benefited from it.
    Reading ummm it just drains.
    The brain.
    If you haven't given it time to unwind.
    And relax over time.
    That poem what did it say by the way?
    Something about love lost and love blue or I'm lonely with out you..
    I don't have a clue.
    How bout you?

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    There was a boy who lives alone

    He likes his only toy and gazing the moon.

    He had no friends.

    But a toy and time to spend

    He always used to say 'I won't fear till my friend (toy) is near '

    He was very happy

    No one to care, to burden to beat.

    One night he went out to riven

    In cold night and everyone else would have shivered.

    He went there to play with his toy and to had a little joy.

    But suddenly a storm blew and taken his toy along.

    Boy shed into tears and all his glow is gone.

    He was crying, the moon stopped shining ✨.

    Then a man comes and said 'Don't cry, boy .storms will come and take will take joy.

    It is the first loss but

    life will take more than you think it cost '

    'Everyone you love will go and in this world, you will leave alone as I'm now.

    Life will take everything you h...

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    I am not bipolar yet the Trifecta you see

    The Father Son and Holy Ghost deemed me be

    Now I know I get arrogant a braggart and boast

    You try to tell me my heart is too sour for this course

    We have all stood our battles and testaments in tyme

    I vent thru lyrics you read them as rhymes

    People say I have a hateful heart

    I would like to say yes sometimes at the start

    Where is the beginning and the middle and when we end

    I fight like a warrior for our Earth to take mend

    You call me a lunatic and heratic tart

    My brain is emulse but my body quite opposite

    Ive been fed by Kings and Queens alike

    Was most comfortably fed by the homeless and trite

    I have been wicked I have not lied about that

    What makes my heart sad sour and pissed

    Is you televised all that!


    I was never given the rights to do the proper thing

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    letter to a charming individual      

        I dreaded my pen for fear, you can't get my letter: The worship is wandering and now the conquering homage is still gasping in front of you. With your angel-handled duck, you would have protected me at the same time and protected me from chains of humiliation that scratched stigma wounds on my puffy body! Today, everyone still plays the role of a drukkolasz because they respect the mature Woman in whom you have become of your own free will and they get to know you cheerfully on the street! On the tree of modern times, the wild shoots of people of my own kind can be trampled or even galactically broken down, because I protect my person and cannot expose them to the targets of the ever-besieging general public; and I used to flirt with myself as a performer, they just always took away my breakable mood!
        Today, with your knowledge and life-giving culture, you plant...

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    Fire Pit

    Fire pit 
    Burn bright
    Light up guy fawkes night
    Warm, and bright
    Crackling with sparkling, 
    cinder light
    Keeping aura's
    buring bright, on this,
    gunpowder plot night
    Conspirators alive
    Crackling Crackling,
    still here to strive, 
    cinders warm, and

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    kind heart full of hate

    i will constantly preach the message


    i will tell you to treat

    everyone with respect

    and be nice to everyone

    i will tell you

    that no one deserves bad things

    that we should all work

    to make the world a better place

    and while i do believe this

    i am also so full of hate

    hate to the people who want my rights

    to be taken away

    hate to the people who kill my people

    every day for no good reason

    hate to the people who refuse to take

    matters seriously, thinking everything is a joke

    hate to the people who make it their goal

    to make others' lives miserable


    i've had to learn

    that you must be kind

    and work to make everyone's lives easier

    but you must also

    know when to be mean

    know when to be unkind

    to stand up to...

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    Falling Elegy

        I can still understand: Man sinned against Himself when he could not hear anything else! The beast sounds of the wicked raised a wounding whip into the woods of my hairy Marsian back! I had to see Man-Man sell, pay, and bribe if his violable rules of the game dictate it; painters I would imagine a peace-loving still life next to my loneliness cavity so that I could rest s My darling's healing and mild-paying swan hand as a protector Angel's wing would rock rocking quietly!
        The phantoms of hatred and envy are constantly besieged, and sometimes it would be better to leave everything behind and escape the window, redeemed by the bone-cracking anger of a dull angry volcano! My attentive, caring eye would open the gates of the Universe as our hesitant lips reveal the secrets of glowing, harmonious kisses; do I have to give up on eternal happiness with mature reas...

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    Hey funny man

    Hey funny man
    Up there dancing and clowning around 
    Hey funny man
    With painted face, baggy clothes, and large shoes


    When the show's over
    The makeup and the costume removed
    The person the audience doesn't see


    A man of deep sparrow
    A man of gloom
    A past that haunts him
    Sadness and doom


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