is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    The last of HER kind

    The roses that now  sprout in the garden of my heart are lifeless

    , the brilliant red that preyed upon the  love we shared is now all but a heatless fire_-

    with Lovat it's new reflection.  

    Shadows of despair corrupt the shine in my heart

    and a mask of heart break suffocates my mind

    I can't feel or tell reality,for the colour that painted my life faded away.


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    The last of HER kind

    The roses that now  sprout in the garden of my heart are lifeless

    , the brilliant red that preyed upon the  love we shared is now all but a heatless fire_-

    with Lovat it's new reflection.  

    Shadows of despair corrupt the shine in my heart

    and a mask of heart break suffocates my mind

    I can't feel or tell reality,for the colour that painted my life faded away.


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    The last of HER kind

    The roses that now  sprout in the garden of my heart are lifeless

    , the brilliant red that preyed upon the  love we shared is now all but a heatless fire_-

    with Lovat it's new reflection.  

    Shadows of despair corrupt the shine in my heart

    and a mask of heart break suffocates my mind

    I can't feel or tell reality,for the colour that painted my life faded away.


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    You and Me

     Accompany my eyes for the words never spoken

     Dab my heart to calm the storm with in.

    Quietly whistle the songs that ignite  beneath my skin with chills

    As my nose flawlessly lets in the calm seduction of your presence.

    As my eyes close to meet you in my dreams.


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    The Last Time

    The last time I saw you

    It was at the store


    We had been high school lovers

    Our relationship had been strong

    But by the end of high school

    you had found another

    I was the one left alone


    We talked for a moment

    About old times

    Friends we've kept in contact with

    Friends we've lost track of


    As we talked

    I could tell

    Neither one of us

    Was quite comfortable

    The electricity was there

    But the spark was gone


    Finally we said goodbye

    As I passed

    You whispered into my ear

    "I still love you"


    As I finished my shopping

    Those words warmed my heart


    That was the last time I saw you

    I have not seen you since

    I hope you are well


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    Our paths have crossed not once,

    But I cannot say I don't know you

    When my eyes burn to get lost in your world

       all the nerves beneath my skin crave for your touch_for the fragile cherrylips_.

       My muscles lust for the excitement when my skin kneads your delicate skin

      I cannot say I don't you know you, when my hands ache to explore

    every inch of your diamond body. 


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    Love Is

    Love is like a red, red rose

    Always lovely as it grows

    Yes there are thorns upon the stem

    Those thorns wont hurt if you let love in


    Love is like an unending vine

    Springing forth to attach your heart to mine

    Look close and you will see

    Just how much you mean to me


    Love is like a bound man free

    Free and boundless for all to see

    No longer a slave to him who kept him bound

    Once was lost but now am found


    Love is like a very fine wine

    Something that just gets sweeter with time

    As it goes and as it age

    May it last all your days


    Love is like a bird on the wing

    Free to soar upon the breeze

    Up in the skies far above

    This is a symbol of boundless love


    Love is like a story best told by two

    May it be told ...

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    On the Road Again

    On the road again

    Traveling life's highways




    And then

    on to places I've never been


    Seeing the sights

    Enjoying the sounds

    Just beung in the car

    On the open road

    Before me





    Missouri again

    Home after a long trip


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    They Tell You

    They Tell You
    They tell you
    They tell you

    Who to be friends with
    Who to date
    How to dress
    How to act
    So on and so on
    They keep telling you how to live you life

    The media
    The Government

    Brain wash
    All of them
    Trying to hold you
    By mental and emotional chains
    Peer pressure
    is another tool
    in their game

    The brain washing goes back for years
    To the earliest of times
    When humans first appeared


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    My heart hurts
    My heart aches
    Welling up from the pit

    burning away this person that I am
    All that will be left
    Yet the fire will burn on
    My ashes
    My dust
    In pain forevermore

    A bottomless pit
    within my soul
    Voices cry out
    Screams of tortures
    Screams of pain
    crying dry tears


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