is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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  • Poetry

    Wrapped mail

        For even today the fearsome Great Time is cursed and has come for me; the floats of my bones also shiver with reality! Maybe it was my fault today, I can't research that by emigrating to Hermit, I couldn't break away from you even then! Only those who have tried to love vulnerable can know this caressing feeling! Has the cohesive bond that has chained us to Reality as a solid point broken?
        The joy of Heaven once came with you and disappeared like smoke! I would speak to you now who you still misunderstand, because your incomprehensible pride is greater than your giving petal heart if you understood at all: you were guilty of misunderstanding and intentional abrasion! Little Mythcaster with a recognized Artist just can't get along with anyone! "Who bored you in my surviving ruins of my days? Orphans left me lost in my desperate situation, when you kn...

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    Hang on

    There was a maiden fair,

    I can stop to glare,

    Looking in the evening skies,

    As she begin to cries,


    I grab my telescope,

    As she begin to spoke,

    "can somebody save me?,

    Im in a shallow misery,


    Curiosity cross my mind,

    Feel her heart so kind,

    I follow her behind,

    Shock that i could find,


    The lady stop for a while,

    Practice a sweet smile,

    What a beautiful...

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    The COULDS'

    Could have given you all of my life

    I could have given you my everything

    But now there are tears in our eyes

    Nobody knows we're crying under the rain

    Now ain't it funny, how much things have changed

    I hope you're fine, still high on our sweet memories

    Your boy ain't doing that good, left me forever damaged

    But what the hell baby boo, still the best of treasuries


    Could have been the mother of my children

    You could have been the one, standing here with me

    But now we've been rejected from the garden of Eden

    Nobody can hear our screams in the breeze

    Now ain't it crazy, how things still remain the same

    Pray for me to be okay, because am still drowning in your sea

    Oh girl, please be happy, I'll always cherish your name

    What's a man supposed to do, when your love's all I see.


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    Hard Times

    I just want a blast

    To smoke a hard yard

    Those little white chips

    Are my joy.


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    I'm running on a treadmill sweat is dripping down my face I'm running on a treadmill can I keep up with the pace I'm running like I'm being chased. I'm running to a place that doesn't exist. I'm running running running waiting for someone to assist me. I'm learning more about myself but also watching everyone flee from me, I'm running towards something that I'm not sure was meant to be I'm running and my ears are starting ring ring RING! Its starting to sting I'm running away from something thats attached I'm running to catch something that wasn't meant to be catched 


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    See the old man on the street,

    No socks or shoes upon his feet,

    Without a place to call his home,

    Watch him as he tends to roam.


    Begging food from passers by,

    Most avoid to catch his eye,

    Once a person of great stature,

    Neighbours saw his whole world shatter.


    Trading on the stocks and shares,

    One to manage his own affairs,

    Treated friends to share his wealth,

    Each one out to suit themself.


    The day we heard the market crash,


    dead inside // alive online


    we are the square-eyed children

    who swim in radio waves

    from our rooms of solitude,

    painted in blue moods

    and hues of synchronized views

    with our online friends,

    who refresh our highlight reels

    to hollow barrels of silent

    stone faced laughter

    and muted,

    seated ovation.


    eyes glued to the all-seeing screen

    blind in a bubble of bloated ego,


    flaccid placid photographers

    who play the spectator

    part-time role

    behind narrow focused lenses

    which see more than our eyes

    who specialize in self-portraits,

    chopping cropping

    the big picture,

    only to fit our bigger heads

    and the dead stares of our square-eyes.



    there is more life

    in a morgu...



    Sleepless nights I end up with sighs
    Don’t know what’s in my own mind
    A blank expression on my face
    Watching The shadows and I trace

    Mind as blank as paper sheets
    Like the dim lights all over me
    I watch the shadows questionably
    Why does my heart pound intensely



    Life is Beautiful

    i would fall from heights

    shaking Lucifer terrified

    for Luna's starry skies to linger,

    in a Jashar night, by your side.


    floating on Chopin stroked ivory nocturnes

    swimming in deep ruby pools of Pinot Noir

    dancing on your flowering lips,

    sweet with vanilla cigarette smoke.


    life is beautiful.


    phosphorus waves of purple patches

    carry me from seas of stormy eyes

    onto shores sanctuary with blue skies

    harbored in your sheltering arms.


    brighter than painted pages

    singing lullabies in the city of angels,

    blinded dizzy by the light shining

    through the iris of your eyes.


    life is beautiful.


    punctured bicycle on a hillside

    spread by skyscraper flames

    burning my humble log cabin existence



    Again home

    Walking to school & again after some Time back to home ,the same story Continues everyday.Sometimes catching the butterfly &On sunny days trying to run away from my own shadow.

    Way from home to school & school to home ,is a adventure of every student ,walking in the road of memories when we are grown up we never know.our way changes from school to collage then office.

    A day coming from office I saw my old school road as if my soul is asking me to go their.

    Once again I walked the way tried to catch butterflies and I saw myself as a child with same school bag & same uniform and once again I am back to my old way.


