is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Green Fields

    Green fields,

    encapsulating eyes

    Opening tranquility,

    drifting mind

    Hay bales stacked,

    side by side,

    seeing the horses,

    please let us ride,  

    trotting slowly,

    green fields,

    side by side,

    ending the day,

    with a peaceful,

    open mind


    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney



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    The friend zone. 
    For those of you who dont know what it is
    Or dont know what its like.
    Its liking giving all of your heart away.
    Giving everything you have
    Every day of your life.
    Fighting to protect.
    Working to keep them happy.
    Striving to satisify
    Your loved ones desire.
    Trusting them with your deepest secrets
    Giving yourself to them.
    In the end, your heart is ripped out.
    By a few words...
    "He's just a friend"


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    Those eyes...

    Those eyes...
    Make me feel drunk
    As i stumble around
    Bound by your spell

    Those eyes... 
    So deep and profound
    I cant stop looking at them 
    There is no end to their beauty

    Those eyes... 
    Fill me with desire
    To change my life
    To be a better man

    Those eyes...
    Are captivating and empowering 
    I can be tied down and having my limbs cut
    I wont feel a thing, if im looking at your eyes

    Those eyes...
    Are what i see in my dreams
    And when i have nightmares
    Those eyes drive the darkness out

    Those eyes...
    Filled with mischeif
    Yet with kindness
    What magic is this?

    Those eyes... 
    Are what I pray to see
    Every day of my life
    Till the very last day.

    Those eyes...
    Those eyes...
    Those eyes...


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    Eclipses obscure

    The ancient Hindu text mentions the story of the celestial dragon,

    the serpent that drinks the nectar of Gods holding wagon.

    Indicating that abundance has its limits, get to the grips,

    beheading the manipulating leech causing the eclipse.

    The temporarily obscurity being in the shadow of another body,

    or having another body pass between it for the viewers lobby.

    Abandonment or the darkening of heavenly lights,

    transformation and change of direction by celestial traffic cites.

    The dragons bite virus in control of fears and misconception,

    false perceptions and slippery tongue promised protection.

    Orbital motions repeating harmonic patterns,

    those who trust them know all what matters.

    Revelation of ancient testimonies reveals the truth,

    while others trying selling you the ferry tooth.

    When words and promises have no meaning,

    marbled sculpt...

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        My Spoken snap clock struck my heartbeat! I should pull it up until dawn tomorrow! It would be good to hand over his clicking harassment to Someone who feels deeply with me that he exists; he keeps his waking breaths for me! It was as if the sun were rising like a bright honeymoon for us - the glowing Universe had sweated true pearls on us! Simultaneously divided in our molecules from the pound of blood-flesh Love!
        I fall asleep now as if he were always with me and wrapped up with his angel wings when I was awakened by the disappointed minute that called for my new things! "Every missed vanity grinds a pounding throbbing in my heart: my nectar blood rushing sharply up like a knife whips it up like the ticking of Death in people!" Final countdown started with birth! Hesitant with poppies, dodderer uncertain revolving among you!

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    I see you too


    I want to feel your breath on my shoulders and hear you laugh.
    You can't imagine how much I want you at this present moment.
    I love you.
    But this pain of missing you that i am going through is absolutely worth it.
    I can't wait to feel your touch.

    I taste your name. 
     my tongue licks your scent. 
    The way my fingers follow trails you left on my body.
    From the dripping corners down my chin. 

    Your are the only one who is worthy of my love and i could wait a lifetime for the most wonderful person on this planet. 
    You are my reason for living and my great love. 
    When i was not searching you fall right through my heart at the right moment. 
    I know i will never love anyone like i love you. 
    I would steal anything for your affection and i will right waste eternity of time with you. 


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    I'm so disappointed in myself not being able to see the most of what I am but I know its there its just so far away and I feel so weak I'm not even halfway there. I fall on my knees, and my back bounces up and down with tears running along my cheeks not caring how much it's breaking me.  It feels like I can't breathe...


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     I want to be here but just alone. Away from people away from judgement away from any communication. You ask me how I feel and I say fine when really i am breaking inside. I can't smile in the happiest of moments because I know it won't last forever and it will just go away tearing me apart taking it away from the people I love. I don't keep expectations. I only have hope that things will get better but I know they most likely will not. I cry without knowing and I can't look at myself in the mirror for too long because I know my brain will think of monsters I will see starring right back at me. 


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    Dad please come back... You left and you havent said anything... I want you I need you... What cant you understand...I cry every night and you can't see it because I put up these walls. Afraid if I drop it, That I will fall. I will disappear into nothing at all then I'll run and try to hide because I can't face the world like other people can. I'm afraid of what others will think of me and what they will do. I have no motivation and no hope for our future. Dad.. Please come back... you left me here with fate to decide my love for you


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    What if she knew

    What if she knew how much I truely love her. What if she understood why. What if....what if she loved me back?... but I know thats a lie. She shoved me under her bed, forgetting about m and wasting me. why do I love her? Because she can let go of things so so easily... and her laugh.. how she walks, talks.. everyhthing just screams; What if she knew I love her?


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