is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Blue Tits

    Blue tits chirping
    Fluttering so, yellow and blue
    Talk to me
    With your bird coo
    Morning garden
    Crisp, and blue
    Talk to me
    Blue tit
    Please do.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Non - Verbal Contact

    Wait stop, and feel the
    Non - verbal contact
    Without speech
    So real
    Sense by sense
    The appeal
    Be known
    Through touch, and sight,
    tasting like honeycomb
    Melting with each bite
    With sweet smelling
    Roses beautiful
    Colours arome
    WAKEN the senses
    One beautiful body
    Be known.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney



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    and the world forgot about me one more time

    I saw you in a magazine today
    Half a smile, miles away
    And though I know you're busy doing all the things you wanna do
    I keep thinking about you

    Driving through town
    In the morning
    Looking at the faces in the lonely crowds
    I think you must have seen my mail by now

    I know you don't care about me anymore
    Too much time has passed in your mind
    You pretend, I fake a smile
    We're only talking once in a while

    I sit on a park bench
    Looking for you
    But it's all in vain asking all these people with my broken French
    Tell me this isn't true

    Coffee shop at midnight
    One last stop before I'm home
    Headlights on
    I'm hoping you'd make it this time

    My key opens the door
    You're not here, you're not mine
    I fall to the floor
    And the world forgot about me one more time<...

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    To inaction

        All the set-aside melodies in the hesitant chalice of my heart are hissing; who knows the plans for uplifting, unknown minutes? As soon as the wide open star pair of cosmoses with its rich dawn light might just wink at me! - My heartbreaking heartbeat was already beating more and more anxiously; where could my chatter-stumbling escape journey have taken me if I couldn’t always be by my side?
        The eternal magic of stars is perhaps immortal bait? To my giving confession, Love can't bring written either?! Squat pulling his legs in the little boy's Hope! In my heart, the tense drum word haunted me if I could feel sorry for me, if at least I would call the fallen eternal child for her.
        Even today, with exile and insane determination, I want to believe in the perhaps eternal human Value of Friendship!...

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    When the curtains were open 
    The light shone through, but not broken
    long over due, touching our faces with striking yellow, while warming too
    suddenly our heads tilted back from the long overdue, eyes flickering from the light, 
    making us blink for our sight 
    with light so pure, clear, and new
    that was warming our bodies, all the way through, leaving us knowing the day is so new, let's start it together, and float on through, while loving the gift given to you, of pure, and new that is special, and clearly bright, 
    and true, make everyday count for you, and 
    Special people too.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney 


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    I know he thrills you

    While he also kills you

    So will you still  go

    To the Trump Rodeo?

    We’d like to know

    It’s not a James Brown show

    Where fans have to go

    In the rain or snow


    I know he turns you on

    But enough to mourn

    Long after he is gone?

    Cuz you lost your senses

    And paid the consequences

    Of the virus spread

    Hear what I said?

    You could well be dead


    What’s so fascinating

    His style of debating
    That most are hating?

    Or is it his coiffure

    Maybe it’s much more

    Than how he wears his hair 

    That brings you there

    Just to be fair


    But whatever it is

    The man is like the wiz

    I’m talking square biz

    Cuz people are hurting


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    Fire in my soul

    I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
    That burning desire to rise above my circumstances 
    To better myself and those around me


    I won't apologize for the fire in my soul
    The world can try
    But it can't put it out


    No matter what the world throws at me
    I will burn right through it and move on
    That is how hot that fire burns
    Once it's lit
    Nothing can stand in my way
    Nothing can stop me


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    Enchanted Path

    Deep in the enchanted forest
    Thee was on the pathway to see
    Toadstools, roundhouses, and witches waiting with sweet treats for he
    Captivated by all he could see,
    away from the bleak conventional streets
    that be, along the enchanted path,
    staying away from the streets of
    Conventional wrath, ensuring the magical path, would fill his pockets with treats that
    could only surley last, away from the streets of MASKS, and false treats,
    set to fail all people connected to these streets
    So follow the path
    Where the symbol is sure to stay, and last
    Far longer than any conventional street
    You may see or pass.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney 


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    Life crash

    I run away from my feelings all day

    I'm drivin mad by the voice in my head

    I can't take this shit all day

    My life is going to crash


    I try and try to do what I can

    But I find my life in the trash again

    It seems nothing can go my way



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    4, 7, 8, Breathing

    When I walked away today,
    the mind needed to relax, and play
    Soothing thoughts to take one away
    Sitting alone without a moan
    Relaxing the brain while at home
    Taking a moment 4, 7, 8, breathing technique to alleviate fate, fight or flight, which one is in sight
    Put a stop to this fighting plight, and carefully soothe with will, and might
    Hopefully the one, that will soothe the brain, and relax the body out of pain
    You choose the one that is not weak, flight
    Is always better when relaxed, but not meek
    leaving one feeling recharged, and unique
    Definitely keeping 4, 7, 8, breathing technique.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney 


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