is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry


    Factory jobs 

    Ain’t coming back


    That’s a salient fact

    Trump’s statements to the contrary

    He needs to retract

    It won’t happen by fiat

    That’s presidentially backed


    Factory jobs?

    I’ve got news

    Have gone out of style

    Like high buttoned shoes

    Stop lying to the people

    You’re not Howard Hughes

    You haven’t created a thing

    Nor have you paid dues


    Factory jos

    Let’s shed a tear

    Are past icons

    From yesteryear

    All but vanished 

    As they disappear

    They no longer exist

    As you might fear


    Factory jobs?

    Mr.President please!

    We need a hand

    To get off of our knees

    You don’t wanna confront

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    By: Cedric McClester


    We hear him complain

    They spied on his campaign

    But the fact still remains

    Finding the proof is his bane

    Because as much as he insists

    The proof doesn’t exist

    So we’re left to ask why

    He keeps telling us that lie?


    Simply put it’s a deflection

    He’s a master of misdirection

    And it reveals his imperfection

    According to a cross section

    Of everyone who has been polled

    Who’ve counted the lies he’s told

    And if I may be so bold

    It tends to leave them cold


    See his constant dictum 

    Seems to be that he’s a victim

    Of some existential plot

    But what proof (have we got)

    We who’ve been bereft

    Have a need to catch our breath

    Long after he has...

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    By: Cedric McClester


    They’re dropping like flies

    Wherever he appears

    But we have a president

    Who never cares

    About the consequences of

    The actions that he dares

    While acting as if

    He’s unawares


    There’s only one thing

    That he’s focused on

    Getting reelected so

    He isn’t gone

    From the spotlight that

    He’s coveted all along

    He’s a weak president

    Who projects like he’s strong


    Meanwhile he talks about

    Having turned the corner

    While there’s an increased need

    For a local coroner 

    He blame the pandemic on

    A far eastern foreigner

    And manages the virus

    As if he’s  a warrener


    The fact of the matter is


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    He said he was suffocating under the thumb of her love, 
    But he called her a breath of fresh air, 
    He said he felt trapped by the life they had built, 
    But he called all her booby traps home, 
    He said he was blinded by puppy love, 
    But he called her blinding love light, 
    He said the fire was dying there's nothing left, 
    But he saw a smoldering flame that just needed the oxygen, 
    He said he felt imprisoned by her love... 
    But the other man called her his SANCTUARY.


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    The Clan

    Ireland, where the ancestors
    rolled in a Clan, across the
    open fields, and land
    children of the family,
    with an ancient seat at hand,
    making sure the Stag,
    would remain in today's land
    While Preserving our Gaelic stand.

    © 2020  Carol Natasha Diviney


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    Pegasus flight


    Those directions that lead to the opposite of end,

    riding those chosen ways just around the bend.

    The deja vu of unsolved issue in mystery,

    the rooting out in quest of truth, to please destiny.


    Seeming different scenarios to please the image,

    the shades of the mental eye and ego’s damage.

    The self of self not aware and its references,

    true responsibilities and its consequences.


    The season of the chasing tail and many stories ride,

    the moon in many phases adding to that tide.

    Maiden fares with balloons on jolly noisy carousel,

    excitements of dreams in a coming though spell.


    Wondrous mental agonies from the same pigeon-hole,

    while Pegasus law of love is a different scroll.

    The extension of divine love gravity - to take off,

    the intuitive flow by virtues law, all th...

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    The WhatsApp Group

    Emotion: I’m the last to know.
                                                    Why does it matter
                                                  It’s mere chatter 
                            It’s doesn’t mean nothing:
    Emotion: Comforting-nothing 
      but really it’s something.


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    Lethal weapon

    I am a lethal weapon.
    A weapon nobody must come upon,
    A weapon ready to blow, 
    A weapon that can kill you,
    A weapon that can kill me.

    I love you but I’m a weapon.
    A very, very lethal weapon.
    Killing anything in it’s path and beyond.

    I love you but I’ll hurt you,
    I’ll do more than bruises 
    And making your eye blue.
    I try to put safety but I’m still a danger,
    I give us space but I can murder from afar.

    I love you but I must push you away.
    Better to leave you with a little sting
    Than to kill you with my hot ammunition.


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    The day can’t fight the night

    The day can’t fight the night
    And the darkness will absorb the light
    So when it’s dark and you loss your sight
    Just know I kept up the fight.

    Not to say I am defeated;
    I’m physically standing (and mentally dying)
    As a lone cub in the night, I fiercely fend
    Sadly as night drags on, my fate is set
    Beside all courage, I can soundly bet 
    That the day can’t fight the night
    Like how the light can’t fight the dark
    As we broil and tussle and war
    We know that death wins the fight


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    Black Boy

    At the beginning of time
    they saw him as a slave
    Now, it’s the police prime
    to shoot him into the grave
    Peers scared he’ll steal their toys
    Teachers still stereotype that his a black boy
    Expel him giving his future to the gangs
    Either jail or stuck between devil’s fangs
    Scrabbling through the trauma
    Living through hates non-understandable 
    Unaware, untrained he’ll be a black man
    Until then, neither he stays in a comma
    ‘Cause I don’t know how the black boy can survive.




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