is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry


    In the corner of her room
    She sits with head between her legs
    She has been abused
    By those she called  family and friends
    By those
    She was supposed to trust
    Trust, yeah right, whatever
    Those demons stole from her
    Those demons tore her soul to shreds

    In the corner of her room
    She sits with head between her legs
    She does not cry
    For crying would let them win
    Give them a victory
    She can not
    She will not allow


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    Fly Be Free

    Be Free
    Hold nothing back
    Let loose all bonds

    Be free
    Let your spirit sour
    High into the clouds

    Be free
    Be your true self
    Walk your own path
    Blaze a new trail

    Be free
    To never be held down again

    Be free
    To release built up energy
    To electrify your life
    As well as all those around you

    Be free
    Unleash your potential
    Your truest form
    Your heart
    Your soul
    For the world to see

    Be free
    Say to the world
    I am here
    I live
    I love
    I don't matter


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    A toast to life
    A toast for overcoming troubles
    Raise your glasses
    Raise them high
    Life has it's problems
    But with friends like you
    Life's problems are small

    A toast to life
    A toast to friendship
    Life long friends
    New friends
    It doesn't matter
    You're all welcome into the circle
    Come laugh
    Come sing
    Come join in fellowship
    We raise our glasses to all

    A toast to life
    A toast to love
    Love is a great emotion
    Passionate and true
    True love
    Will always find a way
    Love is amazing
    Love is awesome
    Raise your glasses high
    For the love of friends
    For the love of family
    For the love of all

    A toast to life
    A toast to memories
    Laugh out loud memories
    Moments of peaceful conversations
    The birth of a child
    The graduation of a ...

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    Children living in the streets
    Cardboard boxes
    Under bridges

    They have no one they can trust
    Everyone they had trusted
    Had let them down
    Some emotionally
    Some physically
    Some in ways I Will not speak

    These children are runaways
    Running from the evil that haunts them
    Running from the society
     That has done them wrong

    Some children
    Instead of running
    Choose to take their own lives
    For they feel
    That no matter what the do
    They are trapped
    Death is the only escape

    Children living in the streets
    Cardboard boxes
    Under bridges


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    Time marching forward 
    Time marching on 

    You can not stop
    The hands of time from turning 
    No matter how hard you try
    So make the most of it
    Live every 
    As if it were your last 

    Live every 
    To its fullest 
    Hold nothing back 
    Let lose all bonds 
    Be free as the wind blows 
    Let your spirit soar


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    I am Free

    I am free
    Free to write
    Free to explore
    Free to dream

    I am free to write
    My feelings
    My thoughts
    No holding back
    No restraints
    Letting my emotions flow
    Telling the world around me
    Just what I think about it

    I am free to explore
    To blaze new trails
    For the excitement of this journey
    We call life
    Finding new places
    Meeting new faces

    I am free to dream
    Reach for my goals
    To never give up
    To never let go


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    You'll Never See Me Fall

    You may see me struggle,

    But you won't see me fall.

    Regardless if I'm weak or not,

    I'm going to stand tall.


    Some people think life is easy,

    But truly living it is not.

    Times get hard, people struggle,

    And are constantly put on the spot.


    I'm going to wear the biggest smile, Even though I want to let fly.

    I'm to fight to keep living, though at the moment we are all destined to die.

    Even though it's hard and I may struggle through it all, 

    You may see me struggle but

    you'll NEVER see me FALL


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    I'm Not Perfect

    I'm not pefect

    I make mistakes

    I make choices

    I'm not pefect

    There is nothing

    You can say or do

    That will change that


    Because I live for myself

    Not for you

    You have no right

    Telling me how I should live

    You have no right

    Telling me you know better than I


    You do not walk my path

    You do not know my story

    You may not think that I am perfect

    Fine by me


    I am the one who lives this life

    Not you

    I have made mistakes

    I am better for those mistakes

    For I have learned from them


    I'm not perfect

    My life does not fit into the box

    You call perfection

    My life may not mean much to the world around me

    The world can not control me

    I do not live to p...

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    Do You Come

    Do you come seeking adventure

    Have you tasted that sweet nectar

    Do you want more

    Are you willing to push yourself

    To the limit and beyond

    Do you strive to be the best you can


    Do you come ready for action

    Ready to go

    No holding back

    Breaking loose from all bonds


    Do you come prepared

    For both the known and the unknown


    Do you know the path

    Traveling to the far corners of the Earth

    If needed

    Running in and out of danger


    I ask again

    Do you come seeking adventure


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    Naked I stand before the world

    Every scar

    Every wound

    A testimony of my life

    Every lesson

    Every truth

    To be seen by all

    I hold nothing back


    Naked I stand before the world

    To lay bare the truth that has been revealed to me

    To show the world

    Yes, it may hurt me

    Yes, it may leave it’s scars

    No, it wont keep me down

    I will come back fighting


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