is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry

    Don't Judge Me

    Don't judge me

    I am not what you see

    I know I have Birth defects

    I know I was born differant than you

    I have risen above my problems

    To show you my heart beats true


    Don't judge me

    For the scares upon my skin

    They do not define me

    Nor the soul that lies within

    I just want to be accepted

    I just want to be friends


    Don't judge me

    You have no idea what I've been through

    The surgeries

    The pain

    The heartache

    The rain

    Cuts and bruises from defending myself

    from bullies like you

    So shut your mouth



    Don't judge me

    My birth defects

    My problems

    Are just a small part of my life

    Look beyond all that

    See me through new eyes



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    The bones of the past

    They haunt me

    The blood of the past

    Spills over me like a waterfall

    The sins of the past

    Causes many tears


    I had a dream one night

    I was walking through a field of complete waste

    Bones started coming out of the ground

    Voices from these remains

    Started shouting accusing me of such shame

    As punishment I am to walk the land

    Alone until the end of time


    A stack of bone lies in the middle of the field

    The skulls start their chanting of accusation

    “You left me hungry”

    “You did not cloth me”

    “You left me out in the cold”

    On and on the accusations came without end

    Blood starts in the center of the stack and is forced outward

    Before the blood reaches me I move on


    The ghosts of my...

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    The Dark Horse

    The dark horse comes

    Death is on it’s way

    The dark horse comes

    The rider brings dismay

    He’s after my soul

    He wont let go


    The dark horse comes

    I will not run

    The dark horse comes

    The death race has begun

    He comes with hooves striking the stone

    Sparks flare up within it’s path

    He comes for the life

    That is my own


    The dark horse comes

    It’s eyes are bloodshot red

    The dark horse comes

    The sight of which

    Makes you dread

    Fire flares from every opening

    Blood flows free and clear

    It is the thing

    Of every fear


    The dark horse comes

    It rides through the night

    The dark horse comes

    What a troublesome sight

    Every worst nightmare

    However I can not he...

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    Hold On To Your Dreams

    Hold on to your dreams




    Reach for the highest

    Don't stay grounged

    Never back down

    Never give up


    Hold on to your dreams

    Your truest self

    Never stop dreaming

    Never stop soaring

    Never stop reaching for your goals


    Hold on to your dreams

    No matter how hard they seam

    To achieve

    A little hard work to go through

    For you never know what you can do

    Until you try


    Hold on to your dreams

    Follow the path where it leads

    The path has curves

    At times it is covered in shadow

    Your goals await to be achieved

    Just take heart

    Stay strong


    Hold on to your dreams

    Never back down

    Never give up


    Hold on to your dreams


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    I slam therefore I am (Tribute to poetry slams)

    I slam therefore I am
    I write
    And breath poetry
    It flows through my veins
    It is at the very core of my existence

    I slam therefore I am
    Every word
    Every  emotion
    An out pouring of life
    Human life at it's purest

    I slam therefore I am
    We stand up here
    Mic in our hand
    Pouring out our
    Trying to help people understand
    Who we truly are
    Where we truly stand

    I slam therefore I am
    I am Human
    I have a voice
    That voice must be heard


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    The Yearning

    Your love is like a wild wind

    Always free

    Always free

    May I someday share in that love

    To feel it's freedom

    To feel it's joy


    I have loved you

    Thoughyou never knew

    My feelings I hide

    For fear

    Fear of rejection

    Fear you will hate me

    Fear of loosing a great friend


    Yet I want to be more than friends

    I yearn to be with you

    My heart cries for you

    For it wishes to join with your heart and soul

    I wish to be a part of your life

    To share your joys

    To share your pain

    To laugh with you

    To cry with you


    I love you

    Though you will never know

    Though they are just three little words

    They choke me up everytime I try to express them


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    Hey Tony

    Hey Tony
    This is your desk chair
    Get up man I can't breathe
    Also watch those chilies
    That was a bad fart
    You ripped off earlier
    I'll be smelling that one
    For a month at least

    Hey Tony
    This is your computer
    Nice love poem you typed up
    Is it for me
    I know you computer boys
    Like computers with big gigs

    Hey Tony
    This is your stove
    Somethings burning in here
    Dude I'm throwing up smoke here
    Get in here and turn me off
    Before the house burns down

    Hey Tony
    This is your bed
    Dude I swear if you talk in your sleep
    I will choke you with the covers
    Or smother you with a pillow
    Your keeping me up at night


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    Highschool Loser

    I love her
    She doesn't even know I am alive
    She is one of the popular ones
    I am one left in the dustpan of life

    My heart beats for her
    My blood flows for her
    I wish to be with her

    It will never happen
    We are from two different worlds
    She has her popular friends
    I have no one

    I am the one bullies always prey on
    Make fun of
    Laugh at and tease
    Beat up
    Or play mean jokes on

    I am nothing to her
    I hope
    I dream
    For the day she sees me
    And the love I have for her

    Until then
    The shadows is where I remain
    An outcast
    To love in secret
    While bullies have there mean fun


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    After a day of hiking

    I set up camp and light a fire

    As I do I begin to sing praises to God

    As the fire begins to kindle

    I begin to sway

    To the rythum God has place in

    My heart

    My soul

    My entire being

    As the flames grow bigger

    I start to dance

    I dance joyfully

    I dance fully

    Dancing around the campfire

    Just letting myself go

    Letting the rythum take me

    Letting my feet go as they will

    The bigger the flames get

    The more profound and intense

    The rythum

    The joy

    The shear pleasure of just being at one with myself

    At one with praising God

    At one with the Holy Spirit

    The bigger the flames get

    The more profound and intense

    My emotions

    My joy

    The faster I dance

    The more energy I pour out

    I dance for...

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    These Old Shoes

    With these old shoes I have

    Walked many paths

    Chased cattle

    Fixed fence


    With these old shoes I have

    Hauled hay

    worked in the garden

    Burned brush


    Me and these old shoes have

    Shared memories

    Felt pain

    celebrated joys


    These old shoes have had a long life

    Been through much toil

    Been through much strife

    They have gathered holes

    They have been cut


    These old shoes have been

    Coated with mud

    Dusted with dirt

    Covered in hay


    These old shoes

    Are old

    Worn out

    They have had a good life

    Time to retire them

    I will miss these shoes


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