is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

NEWS: Writing is something, which can't be told...

  • Poetry



    There was something elusive in you! Faded chubby face with hamster arch in crystals! Sure! I was trying to put you out of a pyramid of old-fashioned laughing wrinkles. Towels fluttered like a hanging flag of surrender. Where is your deer-eyed angel who promised the universe in return if you redeemed it - and now neither word nor speech has suddenly left you as a camphor ?!

    And where is your cranky, restless lover who sinned along with sand grains? The universal message of orphaned immortality and the romance of our kisses came with it! "Something unspeakable primordial matter, a secret cell-cathedral, has burned in you: Proclaiming a long-standing Order as a yawning ruin, and now you're pondering one thing and another: down in yourself - why don't you still find the answers?"

    Shaggy forest eyebrows are still covering you with more and more hesitantly vulnerable...

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    Let's go on a road trip

    Let's go on a road trip 
    Just pack up and go
    No maps
    No time limits
    Just go and leave it all behind 


    Let's go on a road trip 
    Adventures abound 
    New places
    New faces
    New memories for life


    Let's go on a road trip 
    The road to place unknown
    Let's go on a road trip 


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    A butterfly
    In disguise
    A helper
    Of the needy
    A broken soul
    A cracked dream
    A pain of the realm
    Like a freak show in the fair
    As everybody stops and stares

    A butterfly
    Was assigned
    To be my protector
    Watch over my soul
    Reigning in flowers with a shape like a bowl

    The butterfly
    A feeling of shame
    Making me
    Take the blame
    For the death
    Of the bodies
    That still remain


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    Broken Promise

    What happens to a broken promise?

    Does it sting

    Like a bee?

    Or creates a wound 

    And leaves a scar?

    Does it die in the heart

    Or grow as a seed.


    Maybe it just lives

    Like a ghost



    Or it creates strangers?


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    Myopic Tunnel

    Through a tunnel i walk

    Stumbling upon the demons i stalk

    Straining to understand their words

    Yet afraid of what their message may hold

    The walls and path are all ablur

    As further along i do blunder

    Stumbling and falling

    To rise once more

    Searching for a magical door

    To release me from this caliginous gambit

    Then the goblins and trepidation omit

    To deliver me anew to the suns bright glare

    And release me once more from the captivity of despair


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    The Aborted Child

    Mommy, Why did you kill me

    Why did you let them take me from you

    Why did you let them rip me from your womb before it was time

    I know I was brought by


    Wrongful love affair

    Bad decision

    However I could have made you so proud of me

    I could have made you rejoice at my birth

    However you killed me and dashed my hopes


    I did nothing wrong

    I loved you mommy

    Yet you killed me

    I wanted to be your child

    I wanted to make you laugh and be joyful

    I had potential if only you gave me the chance to use it

    Yet you killed me


    I do not understand

    Please tell me did I do something wrong

    Did I cause you pain

    Why did you kill me mommy


    I love you

    Yet you let them tear us apart

    Why did you not love me as well

    I know I came thr...

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    Little Children

    Little children

    Bought and sold

    For sex and other nasty games


    Little children


    Into submission


    Or worse things


    Why must some people do this

    Why must they hurt

    Those so young

    These young ones are our future

    The ones how will one day

    Run our country


    Little children

    Taken from home

    Stolen from thier family


    Will this shit

    Ever end

    Will these people

    Ever wise up

    To see the truth


    Everyone hurts

    In the end

    Everyone Hurts

    These people are only breeding

    Hatred and bitterness

    Out of our young ones

    There people are only adding

    To the boiling pool of distruction


    That will one day kill u...

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    Don't Play With Me

    Woman, don’t taunt me

    Don’t play games with my mind

    Yeah, I admit your body looks fine

    What’s going on up top, that’s what I want to know

    Don’t play with my emotions, my heart, my soul


    Don’t flash me your wares

    Yeah, great pair

    Those I could well do without

    What, are we gonna pout

    Because I’m not impressed by the size of your breasts

    I don’t want a woman who looks like great art

    If she doesn’t show me she is at least a little smart


    A good looking woman will talk about herself all day

    That kind of talk just pushes me away

    Or they talk about things that don’t matter

    Man, I can do without all that chatter

    Looks are good

    Looks are fine

    I however want to know your mind


    Let me know your feelin...

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    Our Treehouse

    Board by board

    Nail by nail

    We build our treehouse





    We build our treehouse


    This will be the best treehouse ever

    Pool table




    We'll invent a secret knock

    We'll talk in code

    This more thab a treehouse

    More than a club

    This will be like a second home


    Our treehouse will have

    A tv with cabel

    Computers with internet

    Water cannons

    Waterbaloon lunchers

    At every window

    To defend our fortress


    There'll be a poker table

    A hot tub

    A dart board

    Our treehouse will be the best in the




    The entire world


    A zipline

    A cargo ne...

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    You Can't Hold Me Down

    You can’t hold me down

    You can’t hold me

    You can beat me and drag me through the mud

    You can’t hold me down

    You can call me every name you can ever think of

    You can’t hold me down


    For I am human

    I dare to laugh, lean, dream, fly

    For my spirit dares to soar

    I must obey it’s calling

    Yes, I must obey


    For to let you hold me down would be worse than death

    For to let you try and break my will

    Sorry, my will can not be broken

    My spirit can not be crushed


    Again my spirit says go

    I must obey it’s calling

    No matter what you do

    No matter what you say

    Remember, I have a spirit

    I must be free


    No, you can’t hold me

    No matter your comments

    No matter the pain


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